Chapter 10

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After a couple of hours of swimming, I went to look for Max. He was in his room asleep. I went to take a shower and get ready for dinner. After I finished getting dress and putting on my makeup, I went to Max's bedroom to see if he was up. He has dressed already for dinner. We went to the restaurant and ordered dinner. After we finished eating, Max decided that he was going back to our suite and watch some movies. I told him that I wanted to take a walk and would be up later to join him. I started walking towards the garden and hear a girl giggling. I kept walking until I reached the gazebo. I saw a tall blond girl with her back to me talking to someone. Then I heard Jace speak to her.

"Listen, I really have to get back to work. There are things I need to finish before I retire for the night."

"Well, maybe this will change your mind."

The girl put her arms around Jace's neck and kissed him. The kiss lasted a few minutes and when Jace looked up, he saw me standing there with tears rolling down my face. I did not even know that I was crying until I put my hand over my mouth to hold a sob in and felt my face wet. I started running away and I heard Jace call out my name. My feet were moving to their own accord and I did not know where I was going. The next thing I knew I was running through the woods and did not know where I was. I looked around and try to get my bearings, but I could not see the resort. Everything was dark and I could barely see my hands in front of me. My body started trembling from fright. Now you did it Clary, you are lost in the woods with no flashlight and no idea of where you are. I leaned against a tree and started to slide down it until I was sitting on the ground. My body was still trembling and I started to cry harder. Why did Jace let that girl kiss him and not push her away? When he saw me, he had a panicked look on his face as if he got busted. Well, who am I to care about who he kisses? It is not like we are dating or anything! The time seemed to drag and what was minutes felt like hours. Then I saw a flashlight coming towards me. I called out his name, damn it.

"Jace, I am here."

"Clary, are you alright?"

"I am, now that you are here."

"I was afraid that I was not going to be able to find you. Why did you run off like that?"

"I do not want to talk about it. Just get me back to the resort. I am really tired."

We got back to the resort and I head towards my suite. Jace was walking behind me. He cleared his throat like he wanted to say something but he did not. I opened the door and he followed me in. This was going to end up in a fight because I was so angry at him.

"Clary, I need to explain to you what happened."

"I saw what happened, Jace, I am not blind. The girl kissed you and you let her. I am so stupid for acting the way I did because I know you will never love me. I am so sorry."

"Will you give me a chance to explain to you. You ran away before you saw the ending of that scenario. I did push her away and I told her that I was not interested in her."

"Of course you did because all you care is about yourself and your damn goal. No one's feelings are important to you. You are selfish and self-centered and love yourself."

"No Clary, you are wrong. I told her that I am not interested because I have fallen in love with someone. You, Clary, I have fallen in love with you."

"What do you think, that this is some kind of joke? Do you think you are going to stand there and make fun of me? If you noticed, I am not laughing. You are not and will never be in love with me. I am just someone you use to amuse yourself. You are rude and cruel towards me. One minute you're nice and the next minute you hate me. Well, I am done with you. Do not worry because I am going home in the morning."

The next thing I know, Jace pushed me against the wall and kissed me. The kiss was hard and desperate, then he slowed it down and softened it but it was full of passion. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking permission to enter my mouth. I parted my lips for him and he pushed his tongue against mine and had total control of the kiss. He started pulling away and looked straight into my eyes. Then he said the words I never thought I would ever hear him say to me.

"Clary, I have fallen in love with you. I have fought it with all my might, telling myself that my goals for my future were more important than these feelings stirring inside of me. When that girl kissed me, I let her, for me to see if I would enjoy kissing her, but I pushed her away because I could not kiss her back. It was your lips that I craved for, your lips that I wanted to taste. When I saw you in your bathing suit today, I wanted you. I had to fight myself to keep away from you because of what I wanted to do. That was all I was thinking about the rest of the day."

I looked into Jace's eyes and I saw the truth in them. He was not lying to me, this was the truth. My heart started speeding up so fast I thought it was going to come out of my chest.

"Clary, are you going to say something to me, or am I too late?"

"No, you are not too late. You do not know how long I have waited for those words to leave your lips. It is just such a shock right now. You know that I love you, and have been in love with you since that first day of school, during freshman year."

He kissed me again softly. It was getting late and I totally forgot about Max. I whispered to Jace.

"Oh my God, Jace, we both forgot about your brother and he had to listen to all this."

We both turned around to look towards the couch where he was probably sitting down watching the television, but to our surprise, he had his cellphone in front of him and was smiling.

"Max, what are you doing with your phone?"

"Are you kidding me, bro, I recorded the whole thing. Mom and dad will never believe me when I tell them what happened. Now I have proof that Jace Herondale finally admitted that he is in love with Clary. Even I knew it and I am only twelve!"

We both looked at him and then at each other and started to laugh. That is so true, they will never believe that those words just came from Jace.

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