Chapter 16

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"You went on a date with Simon. What does it mean?"

"Simon asked me on a date and I decided to go out with him. He has been in love with me since we started middle school. He has been faithfully following me around. He is good and kind to me, so I thought that just maybe, I can give him a chance. He did ask me to marry him again tonight. This time, he has an engagement ring."

"Did you give him an answer?"

"No, I told him I needed some time to think about it."

"Are you going to marry him, Clary?"

"I do not know. My heart is in turmoil and saying no, but I have to think of my future and right now it is looking very bleak."

"Clary, I..."

"Good night, Jace, there is nothing you need to say."

There is nothing that I would give up in this world to a chance to fix this whole mess with Clary. Why did I have to go and kiss her, tell her how I feel about her, lead her on, and then go into a marriage arrangement with a stranger to fix my dad's company problems. I walked upstairs and went to my room. I need to let Clary go, I cannot keep this up. Her heart is breaking and it is all my fault. That is when I decided to pick up the phone and call Diane.

"Diane, I am so sorry for calling you so late. Please, tell your dad that I am ready to marry you as soon as he sets a date. I promise that I will have a ring the next time we meet."

"Jace, what do you think you are doing?"

"Mom, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear your insanity with this arranged marriage. Max told me what you have been up to and you do not have to go with this. Your father almost fired Mr. James for putting up to this. His company is his company and he does not expect you to marry just to save it."

"I am sorry, mom, but I already gave my word and I am not going back on it."

"What about Clary? Are you going to just give her up? You know she has been in love with you since freshman year. You cannot deny it because Max showed us the video when he went to yell at your father, blaming him for your fiasco."

"Max did that for me? I did not know he yelled at dad."

"Your little brother loves you and wants you to be happy, Jace. He knows that Clary is your happiness."

"Mom, I am not going to discuss Clary with you, but I assure you that my decision is final. Clary and I have already settled this situation. If Clary can accept this, then so can you."

"You are hopeless. I hope that this decision does not ruin your life."

Mom left the room slamming the door. She is really angry with me, but I cannot back out of this. My father cannot lose a company that been in his family for years. I laid in bed thinking about Clary until I drifted off to sleep.


I heard the argument that Auntie Celine had with Jace over his impending marriage. It looks like Jace decided to go through with it. I am going to talk to dad about Simon and see what he has to say. When my dad saw me, he stopped what he was doing and came towards me. He knew that something was bothering me.

"Clary, what is wrong? Did something happen?

"Oh, dad, you have no idea. When I was at the Paradise Resort, Jace finally told me that he is in love with me. He kissed me for the first time, our first kiss. Recently, he kissed me again when he found me crying by the stream because he saw Simon propose to me. Uncle Stephen had his mild heart attack and his vice president told Jace that now Uncle Stephen cannot get a much-needed loan to save the company from financial trouble. Mr. James told Jace that everything will work out if he marries the bank owner's daughter. Jace loves me, but his family duties must come first no matter if it means my losing him. Aunt Celine had a huge fight with Jace last night over this marriage when she overheard a phone conversation. Jace told Diane, that he is ready to marry her whenever her father sets a date."

"Oh, Clary, why did you not tell me this? You have been suffering all by yourself."

"Dad, there is more. When Jace went on his first date with Diane, I went on a date with Simon. We all bumped into each other and when I got home, he was upset about my date. Simon proposed again and this time he has purchased an engagement ring."

"What are you going to do? Are you going to accept Simon's proposal?"

"That is what I want to talk to you about. You see, my heart is saying no because I am in love with Jace, but my brain is saying that I must accept Simon's proposal and secure my future. Simon really loves me and I know that he will do good for me. This is the only way I can let Jace go and get over him. I will learn to love Simon, just like Jace has to learn to love Diane."

"Clary, you want my advice? Do not marry Simon just because you want to get over Jace. Wait for someone to come along that you will love. Your first love is the hardest to get over, but sweetie, Jace will not be your last."

"I know what you are trying to say, but I think I already made up my mind."

I left my dad's restaurant and went to school. Izzy and Maia were waiting for me to find out what has been happening. I told them everything that has happened, and they both tried to comfort me. Simon came over and asked me if I have thought about the question and I told him that I think I have an answer.

"Hey, Clary, do you have an answer to that question I asked the other night? I do not mean to rush you, but I am anxious to know."

"Yes, Simon, I think I am ready to give you an answer. How about if you meet me after school and we go to the restaurant to talk. We can have dinner together."

"Okay, I will meet you there."

I went to all my classes making sure I kept away from Jace. I could not bear to see him. When classes ended, I walked out and went on my way to my dad's restaurant.  

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