The Cure

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"You've got to be kidding me! Who in the world keeps a prisoner in a garden?" Hazel was certain her frantic shriek could be heard miles away. Even in this literally godforsaken place.

"I couldn't possibly lock her in the room. She was threatening to crack her skull on the walls if I refuse to let her see you." Haydn replied. "Besides, there is an invisible boundary around the garden in which she couldn't cross. The worse she could do here was to stab herself with the rose bushes or drown in the grass."

Hazel threw him a glare that would have intimidated a lesser man. Haydn however, just lifted a brow in amusement. "This isn't funny, Haydn."

"Relax, darling. She'll turn up soon."

"She is not a lost penny which will turn up soon!" Hazel threw her hands up in frustration. She was terribly worried about Arianna. Arianna was missing! And Haydn's calm approach to this matter was not helping in the least.

Haydn had whisked her to the garden after she had asked to see Arianna. The dark swirling skies of grey and purple had stunned her and it took her a while before she was able to take in her surroundings. Rows and rows of rose bushes were neatly planted in an odd pattern, rather like an unfinished maze. They were all in full bloom. However, the muted light casted over them from the murky skies made them looked more sinister than cheerful. Dark coloured leaves a stark contrast to the blood red of the petals, which stood out disconcertingly like eyes of beasts in the night.

Entranced she was by the strangeness of this world, Hazel did noticed the absence of Arianna. And currently, the urge to strangle Haydn was barely suppressed.

"Besides, what do you mean by an Invisible boundary," It should have been a question. But by the way Hazel snapped, it had sounded more like an accusation.

"To put it simply, an invisible wall."

"If she couldn't escape, this meant she'd been kidnapped! Or maybe eaten by the three headed dog," She exclaimed in shock. Oh god, please let her be unharmed. In her worry for Arianna, she had started pacing back and forth and wringing her hands together.

"No worries, Rebby wouldn't munch on her. He's on a leash, and he prefers trolls than humans."

"Rebby?" Oh dear, not only did it actually existed. It has a nickname. Fainting was looking to be a very enticing option at the moment.  Hazel sunk to the ground dejectedly. She was exhausted, and concerned. And Haydn was merely standing with his hands in his pockets, watching her as she fret about. 

By the way Hazel was glaring at him, anyone with half a brain would have realized they were in deep trouble.

And Haydn certainly have more than half a brain. He was just enjoying watching her fret. Compared to her previous pale and sickly state, this was much preferable - despite knowing that he was a hairsbreadth away from losing his head. Which reminded him, "I'm leaving for the moment. Stay here and continue you search, alright sweet?" He brushed a light kiss on Hazel's forehead before turning to leave.

"Stop," Hazel gripped his arm tightly. "Where are you going?"

"Unfinished business,"

"Is it about me?" Haydn remained stoicallly silent. Hazel could note the slight difference in him when he told her he was leaving. The way he entire posture became stiffer, and the air of nonchalance vanished from him. His refusal to answer just confirmed her suspicions.

"I'm coming with you,"


"Yes," she said stubbornly.

Haydn's brows furrowed in mock concern, "What about Arianna? She could be eaten by monsters in this place,"

Darn him, he's got a point. Hazel couldn't leave Arianna here. She wasn't even sure where 'here' is! But then again, she wanted to find out what has been causing her to suffer these past months. Haydn had said that there were other forces at play. And she desperately wanted to know what were they!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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