Persuasion, Coercion

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A/N: First of all, thanks to everyone who'd added, voted,  fanned and waited patiently despite my inactiveness. I really love to receive your comments and all =) And sorry for lateness but i'm just too busy and depressed. And it is not possible to write a light story like Enthralled when i'm feeling so down. So now i will no longer upload in chapters but in parts of how much i could write. Besides, i am thinking about starting a new story...something darker and more tragic to fit my current state. Anyways, don't worry, Haydn's not that evil, it's just Hazel's assumptions. (You will understand what i mean after you read this part) =D


She snapped up.

Sunlight was pouring into her room through the window, dust motes appearing like glitter floating amidst the golden rays. The birds were chirping and the ticking of the clock was distinct in the tranquil morning silence.

She was home. She was – she felt her body frantically – alive…and unhurt.  It was impossible. Last night, he had caught her. And he had done some hocus pocus that had made her lost conscious.  And now here she was, in the comfort of her own home, unharmed.

Something wasn’t right. He had all the chance to kill her.

Or force her to do something unwillingly. Something related to a harem, she shuddered at the thought.

But he had sent her home.

What was he playing at? Or could he actually mean it when he had said he hadn’t wanted to hurt her. But if he didn’t want to hurt her, what did he want her for?

She thought, puzzled for a moment before it hit her hard. Oh, right. The destined half, soul mate thingy.

That was the worst kind of nonsense she had ever heard. That was saved for the movies and books. In real life, when there’s some unknown entity with powers. It involved black magic, cults and shrunken heads.


The voice of her mother sent her out of her bed and rushing to the dining room. Please tell her that her family was not hurt. She dashed down the stairs in a flurry.

 Light laughter and another voice drifted to her ears. The voice. And she made a run for to the source of the distant chatter.

“It is really good Mrs Lorely. Thank you.”

“Oh now you’re flattering me. It’s been a long time since anyone complimented any of my cooking whether it’s just breakfast or a grand dinner.”

Hazel turned a corner in such a hurry she almost crashed into the door.  She stood at the threshold in slight panic, watching the scene presented to her. Her mother was bustling about at the refrigerator. And true enough, there he was at the breakfast table. Eating toast and drinking juice in her home, conversing – and making her mother blush like a schoolgirl – like it was completely natural.

“What are you doing here?!” she blurted out in a half shriek. He raised a brow at her in mock surprised. Before she could get another word out, her mother was frowning at her.

“Hazel, is that how you treat a guest and your friend?” Mrs Lorely reprimanded. After glancing at Hazel dishevelled form, she added wryly “And I can see you haven’t changed out of last night’s clothes.”

“What is he doing here?”

“You fell asleep on the way back and Haydn was nice enough to carry you to your room so that you needn’t wake up.”

She narrowed her eyes at him.


Big. Fat. Liar.

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