Electrifying Contact

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Hazel gripped the wheel of her car tightly as she pulled up in an empty parking space.

 She was being a coward. There was nothing to worry about.

 Haydn was just a normal friend who'd saved her from a sticky situation.

 A situation which almost got her raped. And now Hazel freaking owe him her life.

 Why was he there anyway? Was he stalking her for the past few days despite his promise? Why the guilt? What happened to that sick bastard? How did she reach home last night? Maybe she had dozed off on the way but she didn't remember unlocking the house door, and somehow she'd ended up in her bed.

 There were so many questions, so  many loose ends that left her feeling confused. Should she trust him or fear him? Hazel wanted to get to the bottom of this although she wouldn't know what to do even if she found out the truth...Hell, she didn't even know if she wanted to know the truth.

 Composing herself, Hazel slung her bag on her shoulder and walked towards the front door of the school. It was still early. Barely any students were around. Despite the exhausting events the night before, she had woke up at five in the morning and couldn't went back to sleep. Hence, she took off earlier than usual, hoping to catch Haydn before class and clear the mystery hanging between them like a shroud.

 It wasn't difficult. She spotted him right away as she walked through the doors and down the hallway. Haydn was standing by her locker. He saw her and eliminated the distance between them swiftly in purposeful strides.

 "How are you doing today?" he inquired anxiously as he tilted her head up by her chin so that he was looking directly into her eyes. He was terribly concern about her. It was written all over his face.

 "I-I'm fine." Hazel moved his hand away. Not with a little difficulty.

 He remembered about what she'd said about his gestures and respectfully stepped back.

 "Haydn," she hesitated for a moment, and chewed on her bottom lip nervously.


  "What happened last night?" she asked as calmly as she could, dreading the answer. And she never expected what was to come.

 "Need I explain it to you any further?" he practically yelled at her and she started.

 This was really unexpected. Then noticing they were in the middle of the hallway, he dragged her into the nearest broom closet, slammed the door shut, locked it and faced her. His nostrils flaring and eyes burning, anger emanating from him like a raging fire.

It was really cram in here. Much like a shoe box with a few mops leaning against the wall. Icks.

 "You thought it a great idea to walk home alone in the middle of the night and that was dangerous enough as it is! Then when you realized that bastard was trailing behind you, you literally invited him to walk alongside you!" he roared.

 She gaped at him. Her jaw would have fallen to the ground if it were humanly possible. But he wasn't done. Not yet anyway.

 "Do you know how dangerous that was?! If I wasn't there, you would've been hurt! Or worse! You could've died! You should've been more cautious! You should've..." This was the first time she saw this side of Haydn. This furious, protective, arrogant side of him. Her brain registered that she should be afraid right now but it was overridden by what she supposed would be a mixture of surprise and wonder...


 She jumped. Blinking, immediately nodded her head. After a second of thought, she changed her mind and shook her head instead. He sighed exasperatedly and pinched the bridge of his nose as though she caused him a huge headache.

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