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A/N: Please bear with me on chapter one part one. I hate this sounds horrible. But no matter how i edited it, it still sounds horrible. I promise the chapters after this are way better. Give it a try. =)

Besides, I'll constantly be editing this chapter. Hence, i'm sorry if you reread this chapter and found some details altered, missing or added =) 


Hazel hated waiting, always had. Darn it, what was taking her parents so long? Standing-or more like squashed- at the crowded train station, she waited impatiently..

She winced when something rolled over her foot for what could be the tenth time so far. The air was stuffy and hot, everywhere was buzzing with constant sounds and chatter, and people seemed to have lost their manners in this place.

The blaring sound of the train made her jump...again. And she grumbled furiously under her breath. She hadn't really waited that long, approximately ten minutes or so. But merely ten minutes was enough to make her want to tear her hair out. Due to--

One, regardless of wherever she stood, she was in the way of others.

Two, she had to constantly mumble apologies while shuffling left right and centre to make way for them.

 And three---

"Excuse me miss," a middle age woman shouted to her impatiently. Obviously agitated by her four screaming and crying children towing behind her. And Hazel's inconvenient presence was no help to her current condition.

Flustered, Hazel clumsily dragged her luggage nearer to herself,stammering an apology. Her hair flopping in front of her eyes and pasting itself on her sweaty forehead. She pressed herself as close to the brick wall as she could. Any closer and her body would have melted through the wall of bricks.

After the woman and her brood passed through, Hazel slumped against the wall. Dejected and tired, she didn't even bother to sweep her hair away from her eyes, staring moodily at nothing in particular.

She felt tired.

And old.

And the air stank of sweat and heat.

Thanks to Garland Hill's miniscule train station. 

 She just had a weary travel back from Hexton -a city located three hours away from her hometown Garland Hill.. 

"Hazel, please come over. I'm going to die if you don't. It's torturous here."

That sentence, with the desperate plea in it was what prompted Hazel to go. Arianna had called and begged a day before sumer break started. Being her best freind and cousin, Hazel agreed, and got injected with a full shot of tension and stress. So much for having a relaxing - or anything remotely close to it - summer. Unless you had a fetish for shrieks and shouts, neither of which that Hazel did.

Arie's parents were going through a rough patch and she needed her best friend to if not help her, then at least to lean on. WIth that being said, Aunt Bethany and Uncle John were constantly going at each other's throats. Yelling and cursing each other for even the smallest of reasons. Resulting in collateral damage which was Arianna and Hazel being caught awkwardly between their fights.

Their fights were wearing on Hazel mentally and emotionally ( which was actually reason number three for the list stated before the interruption).

Suffice to say she was more than relieved- and guilty,being the 'great' friend she was- to finally leave for Garland Hills.

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