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“Dmitri,” her voice was audible but almost a whisper.

A light breeze rustled the leaves and the swings creaked in a haunting rhythm. The natural melody scraping her already frayed nerves. She snapped her head around, expecting to see him somewhere. With his usual air of deceptive laziness that did nothing to hide the cold cruelty in his eyes.  Chills ran down her spine and she shivered, her heartbeat thundered in her ears as she whirled around in the empty playground.

Like the situation in the woods, nothing happened. No one was -   

“A pleasure, my pretty one,” a voice came by her ear, causing her to jump in fright.

 She spun around to face him, her heart pounding against her chest from his sudden announcement. A shadow was casted over him, partially cloaking him in darkness. He chuckled and stepped into the light, his gait every bit a predator.

Her breath caught sharply when his striking profile came into view. He towered over her small frame dressed in a black shirt and jacket with dark jeans. The unmistakable platinum blond of his hair that was close to white, the sharp blade of his nose, the aristocratic cut of his cheekbones, thin lips curved into a smile that only could be termed deviant and eyes of jade that possess the very allure to steal the souls of men and women alike.  It wasn’t the first. But the sight of him never failed to make her breath fled every time. How she hated herself for it.

Hated him. A cruel, soulless monster without even a shred of humanity.

“What did you do?” she demanded. Be calm and confident, do not show fear or he’d pounce.

 If only he wasn’t the embodiment of a perfect form. If only he was less handsome - or better yet downright ugly, it would have been easier maintain an icy façade. His perfect looks should have made a person completely complacent; however all it did to her was instilling fear.

He shook his head and clucked disapprovingly. “This is how you greet your groom after a period of time? It wouldn’t do, my bride.” He taunted. His eyes glinted with malice, never leaving hers as he casually walked in a circle around her.

“I am not your bride.” She spat the word; the thought itself disgusted her to her bones. She knew the evil beneath that mask and thus every endearment carelessly fell from his lips infuriated her. The way he casually greeted her, as though he’d never  –  She choked thinking about it. No, she did not want to think about that.

“What did you do to block the bond between Hazel and your brother?”

 “Ah, yes. Hazel. Your cousin is quite a tasty little morsel as well isn’t she? Although I must admit, your beauty far surpassed hers.”

Arianna gritted her teeth at his thoughtless compliment. It was nothing but to make a mockery of her. “Surprised aren’t you? That your brother ended up with my cousin. And he had wanted to claim her.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, barely acknowledging the stab of jealousy in her heart.

He waved his hand nonchalantly, “My brother has a thing for pathetic mortals, the whole useless race of idiots they are. A perfect example your cousin is. She’s not even fit to lick his boots and she’d turn his offer down. Not a very bright cookie.” A corner of his lips tilted in scorn.

She trembled in fury, longing to scratch his face for insulting Hazel. “You can save your opinions to yourself.  I know you have something to do with this. What exactly did you do? I want answers.”

Suddenly he was right behind her, his hand banded around her waist, crushing her tight against his chiselled body. He breathed in deeply and his head bowed to nudge against the side of her neck. “And what do I get in return for providing the answers you so seek, darling Arianna?”

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