Chapter 28 - Kevin

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Kevin was waiting for the elevator to join Uncle Dean for lunch, when someone stood way closer than necessary. Sending a sidelong glare to the tall guy beside him, he realized it was David. With a look of surprise that was comically exaggerated, David started a conversation.

"Hey, you look familiar, where do I know you from?" he paused and put a finger up to his chin, "Oh, I've got it, you know Stephanie Halder, right?" Kevin nodded, and David continued, "We go way back, I thought you looked like one of Denise's friends that Stephanie plays board games or whatever with. I'm David." He held out his hand, and Kevin shook it reluctantly. What is this guy playing at?


"Pleasure. Do you work in this building?"

"No, just meeting someone for lunch. You?"

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped in together while David responded, "I've got an interview, with the COO of the ad agency here. We met one day and just clicked, so they wanted me to come in for an interview. Just a formality really. It'll be a brand-new position if I get it. I just need to meet the other board members and make sure I'm a good fit for the team."

"Huh. Well, good luck with that."

"Thanks man." They got to the floor and David swaggered ahead, Kevin hanging back just a bit. He watched Nancy greet David and page someone in the main office, and she told him to have a seat. When she was done, Kevin walked right up to the desk and began chatting with Nancy. She was in a particularly good mood and he only had to nod along while she continued to talk. Kevin noticed she had some new plants on her desk, and remarked on their cute containers.

"Do you like them? I'm sorry the one I gave you was so plain. You can have one of these if you'd like!"

"No thanks. I have what you would call, a classic brown thumb, and nothing lives very long when I'm in charge of it." Kevin tried to look remorseful, and she told him all about proper care of the various succulents. Kevin was sitting on the edge of her desk by this time, and glanced over to see David smirking at him.

A glass door off the other side of the foyer opened, and one of the other partners walked out, arms open to greet David as if he owned the place. David stood and they clapped each other on the back, and headed into the back offices like old friends.

The door to Uncle Dean's office opened behind Kevin, and Dean stepped out. "Okay, I've got a great plan for lunch today, but we're going out. Nancy, I should be back in an hour." Kevin smiled at Nancy and slid off her desk while his uncle continued, "Come along Kevin, we're having dim sum today!"


Stephanie was hosting game night at her place on Friday, but they wanted to play group games, so Kevin was also bringing along Jared and Katy. Denise was bringing Clara as well, to make a group of eight.

Kevin arrived at Stephanie's a few minutes early. When he got inside, he saw she had put a whole collage of pictures up on her wall. He went over to investigate. They appeared to all be pictures from the past five years. Stephanie came over and joined him.

"Notice any familiar faces up there?"

He turned to look at her. "Of course." Pointing at the wall, "There's you, Denise, Drew, Carly."

"I meant this one." She moved his hand to point at a picture on the edge of the collage, and his brain nearly short circuited from the contact. It was the selfie they had taken at Com-Expo, beside a photo of the rest of them all dressed up in costume for a Spellmasters premiere.

He smiled at it for a moment, and the doorbell rang. Stephanie released his hand and went to go answer the door. Kevin turned to stare after her, then joined them all in the kitchen; his mind whirled. Was that a hint?

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