Chapter 46 - Stephanie

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They were all seated around Uncle Dean's desk, take out containers spread around them, sipping whiskey out of dixie cups and eating ice cream right from the containers when Dean got down to business.

"So, Kevin. This girl of yours must be pretty special if she's the cause of that whole debacle earlier today."

Stephanie blushed and took another gulp of whiskey. It burned and she coughed. Kevin smiled.

"She is. To be fair though, that guy is a lunatic, and I'd still say he had a bit of an over reaction." He turned that smile directly on Stephanie then, and continued. "She is the strongest, most beautiful and most genuine person I have ever met, and I am honestly confused as to why the hell she picked me. I just hope this isn't all a dream. She is a force of nature and it scares the crap out of me, but when she smiles at me like I'm the best part of her day, I'm not scared anymore." He reached over and squeezed her hand, and she could feel her face warming in his praise.

"Well, it looks like you have found a good thing here. I'm happy for you Kevin. For both of you actually. Kevin is a great guy, and I'm glad he finally found a good match." Uncle Dean shovelled another scoop of ice cream in his mouth. "And I'm not just saying that because you're a Habs fan!"

Kevin leaned towards Stephanie to whisper in her ear, "It might have taken him a few years to get over it if you were a Leafs fan."

As they giggled together, Nancy stood up and left the room while Dean continued, "I'm usually pretty good at reading people, and I see a lot of goodness and strength in you. Don't think less of me because of David. I figured a guy like that would be good for business, but there was always something a little bit off with him."

Stephanie nodded in agreement. "He fools everyone. He's friends with my ex. Well, he was friends with my ex. I can't see that friendship lasting now."

Dean let out a great booming laugh at that, "Oh the drama you young people find for yourselves! Sometimes I miss my youth, but it's nice to not worry about things like that anymore."

Stephanie excused herself to use the washroom. When she opened the door, she heard sniffling and saw Nancy hastily turning away.

"Oh Nancy, I was wondering where you ran off to. Are you okay?"

"Yep, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You've been through a lot today."

Nancy slowly turned toward the mirror and met Stephanie's gaze in the reflection. "Just, please don't hurt him."

"Hurt him?" Stephanie was taken aback. "Who? Kevin?"

"He's such a sweetheart, and I know he's insecure, but he deserves someone amazing and you're just, incredible. I'm happy for him. For you."

Stephanie's gaze softened. "You really care about him, don't you?"

She nodded. "He's always been so nice to me. Most people don't care about the receptionist, but he does. And then David seemed so nice too, but I'm starting to think he's pretty terrible, and I feel bad for getting sucked in. I never let my guard down that much. I feel like an idiot."

Stephanie released a harsh chuckle which grated on her ears. "David's special talent is saying things to people to get what he wants. You are not the only girl he's ever gotten to feel like this, and I guarantee you won't be the last. He left a trail of four battered hearts in my office alone."

"But you're so strong and sure, how do you protect yourself from people like him?" Nancy's voice was small and vulnerable, and broke Stephanie's heart.

"Me? Well, my first rule is: don't trust guys who care more about their suits than you. I've learned that twice now. It's hard to know which guys are worth it, and I'm probably not the best person to be giving any advice about this. I've been cynical my whole life, with a 'one strike and you're out' attitude, but I proved myself wrong recently, and gave the right guy a second chance." Stephanie felt her eyes fill, and wiped them before they could leak. "It was so worth it. But I don't know how you know which guy is the right one. I still don't know what I'm doing. I've learned some things this year, but I'm certainly not unscathed. I don't think the risk of heartbreak ever gets less scary."

Nancy turned and hugged her then.

"Thank you. I'm glad Kevin has you. I know I've only known you for like, two hours, but you are very kind."

Stephanie laughed. "Well, from what Kevin has told me about you, you are very kind as well." Desperate for a change in subject before she got emotional again, "and this dress is incredible! Is it vintage?"

She blushed, "Oh, no it's new. It used to be white with flowers, but I walked into Kevin one day and spilled three coffees down the front of it. I couldn't get the stain out completely, so I just dyed the whole dress with coffee. Most of it came out, but not all."

Stephanie's eyes widened. "Seriously? I never would have thought of doing that in a million years. That's genius!" the girls shared smiles. "Now, do you have any make up here? I can show you how to cover this mark if you'd like."


The sun was going down by the time Stephanie and Kevin left the building. After the makeup tutorial Nancy had gone home and the remaining three of them spent hours watching YouTube videos and eating snacks.

As they stepped out into the fresh air. Stephanie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "God, it is a beautiful evening, don't you agree?"

Kevin nodded and Stephanie continued, "I feel so great. I feel like I'm on top of the world." She took off skipping towards the granite stairs that lead into the gardens. She was about halfway down them when she stopped suddenly and turned to face Kevin as he approached.

"No, do you know what it actually is?" he was standing on the stair above her now, and looking at her with an amused expression.

"Tell me." His voice was a whisper.

"I feel free. For the first time, I'm not worried about David showing up unexpectedly. I'm in love, I've got a good job, great friends, and my own apartment. I'm not scared anymore, and I can finally breathe!"

He smiled at her, his eyes looking vulnerable but determined, "I love you, Stephanie Halder."

Her heart beat in double time. A sense of calm bliss settled over her, and she felt a smile stretch across her face. This was a feeling she would treasure for the rest of her life. She was sure of her response, she just had to find her voice again to tell him.

"I love you too, Kevin Ruiders."

He pulled her close and kissed her until she was out of breath, the euphoria settling like a cloud around them, then he kissed her some more.


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