Chapter 45 - Kevin

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Kevin was giddy for his lunch with Uncle Dean. After the debacle in Stephanie's office, which was being called 'a better fireworks display than the Fourth of July' by lucky witnesses, he had texted Uncle Dean about inviting Stephanie as well. Based on the number of emojis included in the response, he knew Uncle Dean was excited to meet her. If all went according to plan, Stephanie wasn't going to be bothered by David anymore.

Kevin saw the footage of Stephanie putting David in his place and had never been prouder. He still wished she'd thrown one of the signature punches he'd heard so much about, but the verbal take down was better than nothing.

He gave Stephanie Uncle Dean's direct phone number and email to forward to Kate. Kate had been in contact with the COO during Dean's absence, who said they would deal with the situation internally. Kevin knew David was close with the COO, and everything would likely be brushed off as a simple misunderstanding and overreaction by the girls. Kevin refused to let that happen, and set part two of his plan in motion. He needed David to see Stephanie with him.

On Thursday, Kevin got to Uncle Dean's office earlier than normal. He texted Stephanie and told her to come upstairs.

Nancy greeted him with extra enthusiasm. "Hi Kevin! Dean told me to order lunch for three people today, is someone else joining you?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend is." Kevin noticed a flicker of acknowledgement on Nancy's face, when David appeared. Right on schedule.

"Did I hear this guy say he has a girlfriend? Did Nancy turn you down enough that you finally found someone else more on your level?" He sneered at Kevin while handing Nancy a stack of files, "Scan these for me would you, hun."

Nancy was blushing "No David, I never turned him down. He never asked."

Kevin cut in then. "David, why are you always here? I come for lunch every few weeks, and you are literally always here instead of your desk." He noticed Nancy was blushing more. "Do you have a thing for Nancy?"

He was immediately rewarded with a stone-faced glare. Nancy was looking between the two of them like it was a tennis match. At that very moment, the door opened, and Stephanie walked in. She smiled directly at Kevin, not a glance anywhere else, and he thought his heart would burst.

"Hey Steph!" He opened his arms and she stepped into them, rewarding him with a deep kiss. The reaction from the other side of the room was immediate, like the fuse finally detonating a bomb.

"What the hell is this? Really Steph?" Stephanie flinched when he said her name like that. David was gesturing at Kevin in disgust. "Him? Could you possibly sink any lower?"

"Yeah, I could if I was with you." Stephanie shot back. Nancy's eyes were as wide a saucers.

Kevin stepped between David and Stephanie then. "She's not into you man. How about you just accept it and move on?"

This only seemed to further enrage David. He puffed up his chest and his voice reached a yell, "She seemed pretty into Steve too. He stood her up and she still kept messaging him, reeking of desperation. But you know who was always there?"

He paused as if daring anyone to answer, while his face turned an ugly red. "Me. I made sure you were never really alone Steph. Why do you think I'm working here? It's so I can look after you."

There was a stillness in the room that made Kevin afraid to breathe. "You were following me?" Stephanie let out a horrified whisper, but David was just getting started.

"And you know what else, Kevin? She was texting Matt for weeks. Weeks! What do you think you have that they don't? They weren't good enough for her, and you won't be either."

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