Chapter 38 - Stephanie

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After her discharge, Stephanie spent a week at her mother's house. She had a check up with the doctor on Friday morning, and then she moved into Denise's spare bedroom.

Due to the broken ribs, she had coughing and breathing exercises to do every day to make sure she wouldn't get pneumonia, but being around Denise had her laughing so much she barely had to do them. Kevin stopped by every day to read to her, watch television with her, or just talk. Stephanie could tell he was opening up to her a little more each visit, and the thought warmed her heart.

She still struggled with her arm in a sling, and looking at a screen for too long gave her a headache, but after three weeks, she was ready to return to work part time.

On her first day back, Kevin was going to pick her up at Denise's so they could take the subway together.

The doorbell rang at 7:30am. Denise shrieked at the sound.

"Who the hell is ringing the doorbell this early? They should be shot for this!"

"Denny, it's probably Kevin. You knew he was coming over this morning."

Denise was opening the door to Kevin, "Yes, but I specifically told him the rules. You, Stephanie Halder, are the only person in the world allowed to make my phone or the doorbell make the loud noises this early in the morning."

Kevin stayed outside the door, and looked timid, "Sorry, I can just wait outside if she's not ready yet."

Denise grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. "Again? What's with your obsession with loitering outside people's houses? You need a new hobby." The door closed behind him.

"I'm not kidding about the doorbell though. If it is before nine in the morning, you better knock. Or better yet, text to say you're here."

Stephanie came out into the kitchen, peering intently at Denise and Kevin. "What do you mean 'again'?"

Kevin's face went scarlet. "Oh, uh, that's not important."

"Denise! What were you talking about?"

Denise cackled in response, "Oh my god. You never told her that part?"

Kevin looked down at his shoes, and mumbled "It didn't seem relevant after the accident. Everything worked out in the end."

Stephanie was agitated, and if someone didn't give her answers soon, she was going to start kicking them. "What's not relevant?"

Denise sighed and turned towards Stephanie. "Oh, I almost had to kill Kevin when he called me at 7:30 in the morning looking for you. But I didn't kill him, so, you're welcome."

Stephanie's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline. "Kevin, when were you looking for me at 7:30 in the morning?"

He looked at his watch with a sigh. "Can we sit?"

They headed to the couch, and she gingerly sat beside him. "So, that Sunday-"

"You mean the Day-the-Men-all-Lost-Their-Collective Minds?"

He looked uncomfortable, and gulped before continuing. "Yeah, that one. So, you know how I had my phone on airplane mode and didn't get your calls until it was too late?"


"Well, I was with Jared and Katy when I realized that, and I kinda freaked out, but they made me realize some stuff about how I actually feel about you, so I drove to your place to talk to you face to face. When I got there, no one was home, and your car was gone, but I didn't want to miss you when you came home, so I just waited in my car."

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