Chapter 38: Goodbye Mr. Grant, Hello Mr. Grant

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The building in front of me stood tall. Its discolored, vine-covered stone bricks let you know that it has been here a long time. The lone tower I spotted at the main entrance was eye-pulling. The pointy roof alone made you stare. If I hadn't already figured out that this was a church, the stained glass windows would have given it away.

I showed my badge to the man who was at the side door. Apparently, the press wasn't allowed to come in through the front, that was for guests. I didn't think a funeral would be this exclusive of an event. But this was the Grants after all.

Yesterday morning, I woke up to a frantic call from Mr. Cooper. Robert Grant had passed away, and Angela wanted me to be the journalist from Cooper's to write the article on her dad. I didn't have time to let the news sink in. I had to get myself ready and find someplace for Kyle to stay before I could leave. Luckily, Iris was able to help out and watch Kyle for a few days. By the end of the day, I was checking into a hotel in Virginia.

With all the movement, I had forgotten to call Eli and tell him I was here. He too was dealing with a death. He had insisted he was fine and I didn't need to be there. But now that was here, I could be a good girlfriend and be there for him at his father's funeral.

After being let into the church, I was escorted by someone else to a lone bench at the back, apparently reserved for the media. There were already two people there. I introduced myself and waited patiently for the service to begin.

Right on the hour, the service started, and I silently took notes as the event unfolded. I was surprised to see Mr. Cooper on the stage, making a speech about his friendship with Mr. Grant. I had no idea that the two were so close. He even mentioned that Alex was close to the Grant son too. That must explain how Eli knew the Grants, he was probably friends with the son too.

Once Mr. Cooper was done, the pastor took the stage again.

"We've heard of how great a businessman and boss Mr. Grant was from his partners and employees. We've heard from Mr. Bernard Cooper about the best friend he was. But who was he after he left the office? Who was he when he stepped into that big old house of his? Well now, we're going to learn about Mr. Grant as a husband and father. Please welcome his son, Elijah Grant"

My ears perked up. Did he just say Elijah Grant? That was the fake name Eli used at the gala.

I stared at the stage and watched as a familiar frame made its way to the stand. When the face appeared on the big screen ahead, my heart dropped.

It seems that the name wasn't a fake one after all.

"To you, Robert William Grant was a multimillionaire who was out in the world doing big things. But to our household, he was someone totally different. To my mom, he was her husband, the man she's been in love with since they were teens. They had fun together, grew together, and protected each other. They've always had each other's back. That "Ride or Die" thing you hear those young people talking about? They started it!" he chuckled, "I hope that one day, I can have a love like that," he showed a soft smile at the end of those last words, and I hated myself for thinking it was about me.

"To me and my sister, he was dad. And let me just get this out of the way, Angela was his favorite," he continued and the audience laughed.

I heard the faint voice of Angela saying, "That's right!"

"It was annoying at first but then I realized that it meant that he pushed her more and that all his high hopes and expectations were on her. And for the most part, I was Ok with getting the short end of that stick. Overall though, he pushed us a lot. Showed us the importance of kindness, loyalty, strength. He taught us the importance of family and continuing the legacy that he created. The legacy was where I struggled. Never quite understood the importance of it and why my father wanted me to be a part of it so badly. I had my own desires, my own dreams, and I didn't see why I had to give that up for some fortune. But that's where I was wrong. This isn't about money and property. It wasn't even about the good old reputation of the Grant name. It was about the hard work. The sacrifices. All the great things my father has done to make this country a better place. That was the legacy he created. That was the legacy he wanted me to be a part of. AIt all makes sense to me now, and I'm at the point in my life where I am ready to continue it all for him." he let out a heavy breath, a sign that this was a big deal for him.

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