Chapter 29: The Actual First Date

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"So, where are we going?" Kendra asked, unable to keep still in the seat

"It's a surprise," I stated and she raised a brow at me, "We're not going to spy on Rich people having affairs in creepy motels this time, I promise."

"We better not be."

It took us only fifteen minutes to get to our destination.

"Barry's bar," she smiled getting out of the car once I stopped.

"You were supposed to wait for me to open the door for you," I said stepping out of the car, "This is a date remember."

"Listen, I'm a grown woman, I can open my own car doors," she flung her purse over her shoulders and sashayed over to the bar entrance, me checking her out as she did. "And look, I can also open my own doors," She smiled and pushed the door open, walking in.

I had a feeling this was going to be a good night.

I followed her in and once inside, we both headed towards the bar.

"Eli, my man," Barry said once he spotted me.

"Barry, hey," I greeted, "How's it been?"

"I can't complain. Happy to see one of my favorite customers."

"Oh stop," I said waving him off before taking a seat at the counter.

"Speaking of favorite customers, where's the other one?"

"He's at home I think. You may not be seeing him here anymore, he's about to be a married man."

"Married? Already?"

I turned to Kendra, "See, we're not the only ones that think it's quick."

"Well, I wish him luck," Barry said.

"Me too," I replied, "By the way, Barry, this is my date Kendra," I added with a grin.

He leaned over the counter. "The same Kendra Alex teases you about having a thing for?"

I chuckled and looked away.

"So it is," he teased, "Finally had the guts to ask her out."

"So you and Alex talk about me huh?" Kendra asked.

"And me too," Joe added, "Whenever he's in here he goes on and on about you."

"Oh really?" she looked at me with a raised brow

"Yep. He talks about how awesome you are and how he thinks you're the best journalist and mother to your kid."

"Awww," she said.

"And he says how you're generous and kind and the bravest person he knows."

"Are you going to tell her everything I've said about her?" I asked.

"Yes he will," Kendra said before turning back to Barry, "What else did he say about me?"

"He thinks you're really pretty," Barry said and her eyes lit up in excitement, "He said, and I quote 'She is beautiful and she has the finest body I have ever seen'," he imitated, moving funnily to every word he said.

Kendra burst out laughing at his impression of me.

"I did not say it like that," I defended.

"Yes, you did. And you bit your lips when you said it too, like this," he proceeded to mimic me again.

Kendra started laughing harder. And for a second, I didn't mind being made fun of.

"Can you get us a drink please?" I asked, trying to get rid of him.

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