Chapter 14: Happy Thanksgiving-Part 1

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"I'm okay. I'm okay."

Those were the words I kept repeating to myself as I sat in the front seat of Alex's car. We were on our way to Iris' apartment for Thanksgiving. My original plan was to spend the holiday with Uncle Bernard. But things changed when I found out his whole family was going to be there, including his crazy sister who was always trying to hook me up with her gold-digging, just a crazy daughter. The family, including Uncle Bernard, thought it would be a good idea, I, on the other hand, was not about to date someone who only wanted me because of who my father was. As soon as I found out that Alex would be ditching the dinner, I jumped ship and went along.

But why was I repeating a mantra to myself? I was in the clear of gold diggers, so what was my problem?

She was my problem.

And by she, I meant Kendra.

The minute I found out she was going to be there, both excitement and fear stepped in my head. I wanted so badly to be around her, but I was afraid of how she would behave.

She hadn't been herself lately. Our conversations at the office felt forced like she was only talking to me because she had to, not because she wanted to.

I couldn't help but feel that it was my fault. Maybe I was pushing too much. Maybe she sensed how I felt, wasn't into me like that, and was chasing me away without being mean. Or maybe she was just having a bad week and didn't want to talk. Either way, I didn't know the answer, and that scared me. But I wanted to fix it, or at least try.

"What's in that?" Alex asked, glancing at the plastic wrap covered bowl that was sitting on my lap next to my camera bag

"M&Ms," I answered

"Why are you bringing M&Ms to a Thanksgiving dinner?"

"Thought they might need some candy or something, I don't know," I shrugged

It was a lie. I knew exactly why I was bringing it.

The rest of the ride was quiet. It didn't take long for us to reach the apartment building. After walking up 6 flights of stairs, which Alex insisted we do, we finally got to her door.

I looked down at my maroon sweater peeking out from under the black hooded duffle coat and adjusted them. A man had to look sharp in this cold November weather.

The door opened after a knock, and we were graced by the smiling face of Iris.

"Hey Babe," she quickly pulled Alex into a hug and kissed him

Did she not see me here?

After what seemed like hours of kissing, they pulled away from each other.

"Oh, hey Eli."

So she didn't see me.

"Hey," I sheepishly smiled

She stepped aside and allowed us in.

"Welcome to my home!" She announced pointing to the vast living room slash dining room. The brown couch matched the curtains that hung on the floor to ceiling windows. There were a larger than average center table and side tables, with vases and small trinkets on them. In the middle of the living room was one of those furry looking white rugs. A large TV was on a stand that stood against a wall that had way too many pictures. A small bar counter, with small stools, separated the living room from the dining room. A small cabinet of drinks could be seen close by. How she managed to fit all of this into a small space, I have no idea.

"Would you guys like a tour?" She asked

"Sure," Alex answered excitedly, a little too excitedly

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