Chapter 9: Nothing But A Crush

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Alex and I sat in the living room of his apartment. The TV was on with some random show playing, but neither of us was watching. Alex was on his phone, texting Iris from what I could tell, and I was just sitting there staring at him. He was more interesting to watch than the show.

It's been a long time since I've seen him this enchanted by a girl. The last time was in sixth grade when he liked this girl in our class. He wouldn't admit it, but he cried for hours when she told him she wasn't into white boys. He hasn't been the same since.

But right now, he seemed genuinely happy, and I couldn't hate on that. I would, however, make fun of it.

"Oh Iris..." I began, putting on the deep voice he often used when flirting with girls "Let me be your Flash"

He looked up from his phone and scowled. I instantly started laughing.

"You're using my favorite superhero against me? That's low man" he said

"Admit it, you probably only like her cause her name is Iris."

"Shut up!" he said throwing the empty Chinese take out box that was next to him

I knocked the box away and laughed harder. I was enjoying this way too much. It took a minute for my laughter to die down.

"But seriously man, do you like her? Like, 'like like' her?" I asked

"That's a lot of like's in one sentence dude," he commented, trying to ignore my question

"Just answer me man."

He took a while to answer.

"Yeah, I do. I know I've only known her for like a week, but I can't really deny what I'm feeling."

"Aw, wittle Alex is in love," I teased

"Whoa," he said defensively, "Don't be using that big serious word. I'm nowhere near that."

"Man, only love makes men do stupid things for a girl."

"What stupid thing did I do?"

"You suggested Greg as a blind date for her friend."

He nodded, "That was stupid," he admitted

"I was wondering how you could pick Greg for an educated single mother. You know Greg can't handle a woman like that."

He stared at me for a few seconds before grinning.

"But you can huh?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, pretending to not know

"Don't think I didn't see you checking Kendra out."

"I wasn't checking her out."

"So you don't think she's hot?"

"I..." I began but closed my mouth. Was there a way for me to answer this without looking guilty? I thought she was fine as hell, but I couldn't tell him that. Not only would I not hear the end of it, but he would also tell Iris, who will no doubt tell Kendra. And I don't want her knowing I think that about her. Not now at least.

But my lack of an answer was enough for Alex.

"Oooo, you think she's hot!"

"I think she's...rather attractive," I said, trying to use the right words

"It's OK to say you think she's hot. Hell, you could say she's sexy, I won't judge," he said then looked back down to his phone when it alerted him of a message

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