Chapter 25: PTA Meetings Can Be Fun

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"Ms. Wright, my wife is cooking her famous meatloaf tonight, and I would hate to get scraps after my mooching son shows up. This better be good."

Mr. Cooper sat back down in his chair, a bit annoyed that I had asked to see him right before he left for the day. But this couldn't wait any longer.

"I may have come across some information that would make a good scandal piece for the paper. But I felt I should run it by you and get your approval before I pass it to someone to write." I said, taking a seat in front of his desk

"What's this about? Actually, who is this about?" His brows raised. I had piqued his interest.

Mr. Copper had really prided himself on the integrity of his paper, but the man loved a good scandal that involved making anyone on capitol hill look bad.

"This began when I was hiding in the bathroom when at Kyle's PTA meeting..."



"Why did I come here again?" I asked myself as I sat on the toilet cover in one the of bathroom stalls.

The first PTA meeting of the year was tonight, and I decided to come as any involved parent would. But what I was greeted with when I entered the auditorium wasn't what I expected. Parents were being nice, coming up to me and complimenting me about the dance. Apparently, they loved what I did. Loved it so much that when they began asking for volunteers for the upcoming charity auction, my name was quickly thrown in to be in charge of the whole thing. I didn't even know elementary schools had charity auctions, but like Eli would say, that's what I get for sending my kid to a boujee school. Ms. You know who was not very pleased since she was the one who did it every year. But apparently, her pull in the PTA was lessening, and it was becoming very apparent that I may be the one they put in charge.

So why was I hiding in this bathroom? I may have panicked and run off before they could decide who it should be. I found the girls' restroom that was furthest from the meeting place, hoping that no one would find me here. Hopefully, my absence would be enough to make them pick someone else.

I felt my phone vibrate in my bag and quickly dug it out. I smiled at the notification of a text from Eli.

We had been talking more, staying up late at night texting. I was actually enjoying it more than I thought I would.

I was so relieved that he wasn't mad that I ran off. Though, I kind of felt bad that he thought he had done something wrong. But that was behind us and we were taking it slow, whatever it is. But he wasn't in a rush to name it, and neither was I. I was just proud of myself for letting someone in, even if it was just a little bit.

"How's the meeting going?" His text said.

"Horrible! They actually like me now," I texted back.

"Am I missing something? Cause I don't see what the problem is" he replied

I was about to text back when I heard the door to the restroom open. I quickly scooted back on the toilet cover and pulled my legs up. I changed my ring setting to silent as I heard the footsteps come closer. I covered my mouth hoping to hide the sound of my breathing.

Whoever it was started checking under the doors for feet, and I could hear my heartbeat quicken. I saw the smooth, melanated feet in fancy heels stop in front of the stall I was in. I could feel the bile enter my throat. However, the sound of the door opening again stopped her.

I saw the heels turn to the door. There was silence between the two. Whoever was at the door took a step forward.

"Don't," fancy heels said.

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