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SHE was drifting. Lost amid the coiling red smoke, it tangles her up on its suffocating embrace, slowly strangling the life from her.
Just give in. It said.It was strangely sweet.
Your tired. She was. Rest. She wanted so badly to fall under its hypnotic influence and drift further into its embrace. But an incessant thing kept tugging at her. It felt like there was a string connect to her very soul and it was being tugged. It hurt. She wanted it stop. This year she had struggled, fought and nearly broke under the physical and mental abuse. It was all too much. Just what had she done to deserve this? She couldn't understand. It would be better if she disappeared and left it all behind. She was certain, things would be better if she just went away. Disappear. It whispered.She was so tired. So tired. the sweet voice echoed.

Yes. She fell deeper, caught in the web that was the red smokes trap until her and the smoke were unrecognizable.

A woman chuckled.

Good girl.


At the same time in the living room. The brothers were strewn around the living room with Hinata sitting on a sofa with Shu's head on his lap. The eldest laid there content. Kanato was curled on a pillow at his feet, hugging his legs. He occasionally glanced at the two just to sigh, a small pout appearing. It wasn't fair. He thought.

Just five minutes ago...

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" The Sakamaki brother exclaimed in unison, throwing out their preferred hand. Hinata stood off to the side, rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"This is ridiculous." He stated. For the fourth time.

"Kanato wants to sit with Hina!" Kanato said looking triumphantly at his rock that took Laito and Reiji out of the equation. Laito cursed. Reiji looked helplessly at his scissor. How could he lose? He stood there with a dazed look. Hinata observed him and thought he looked...cute? It was foreign for someone so uptight like Reiji but he actually did look cute. He had a sudden urge to pet.

"I won." Shu said, a slight smirk playing on his lips. Tired of it all, Hinata moved to the corner where Subaru stood. The boy didn't say anything so focused on the show. Hinata shrugged and decided to watch too.

"No way! You cheated!" Kanato exclaimed.
"How could I cheat? It's all down to probability. Your just a sore loser." Shu said.

"Best 2 out of three." The younger growled.

"The rules are clear whoever wins gets to sit with Hinata on the loveseat. You guys lost-miserably I might add- so the victor is clearly yours truly. Ew, I just sounded like Ayato then, do me a favor and delete that from your long term memory."

"Not a fucking chance, cheater." Kanato said.

"Rematch. Now." He demanded.

"Fine, Shu said rolling his eyes, "but when you lose you can't speak for the whole movie."


"Take it or leave it."

"Fine." Kanato reluctantly agreed.

Hinata shook his head. Humans or Vampires, boys were stupid. He of course excluded himself from this.

"Your the only sane one here." Hinata leaned against Subaru. The boy stiffened at the contact. Hinata pulled away. He looked at him apologetically.

"Sorry." He said. He should have asked before invading his personal space. Idiot.

"N-No it's fine." Subaru said hurriedly.

"Can I? I'm just a little tired." Hinata admitted. He preferred to hold something warm when he was tired. His bed was covered with pillows for that reason.

"Sure." Subaru said looking to the side, his face flush. It reminded him of something his Aunt told him a long time ago.

( It was his first day of junior high. He was putting on his shoes when his Aunt suddenly stopped him.

"Hinata, wait I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" He asked, shrugging on his backpack.

"What happened to Aunty Set? What happened to the little Hina who used to cling to Aunty and say he will marry Aunty one day?" She said pouting. Hinata instanly reddened.

"Aunty, please don't remind me. I was just a little kid then." He said covering his face. She giggled.

"Come now, give me some love." She turned her cheek to him. He shyly kissed her cheek. He quickly pulled away. He couldn't look at her after such an embarrassing scene and looked shyly at his feet.

"Oh, my precious Hina. So perfect. I will be so sad when you go off to another family." She feigned tears.

"No, I won't leave you. I'm sorry, don't be mad." Hinata hugged her waist. She chuckled.

"You will. In the future, when you find your soulmates, you will want to be with them and make them so happy. You will laugh and want to tease. They won't replace me, silly. They will love you and cherish you. You have 7 soulmates. Only my Hina can bring love to so many people. You heart is so precious. Treat it with care." She said kissing his forehead. Those words stuck with him. Even when he came to the school, too shy to interact with anyone so everyone labeled him arrogant. Even as he sat in the corner looking out the window, gently caressing his soul mark just above his wrist. 'Someday' . )

Shrugging it off, Hinata hooked an arm around Subaru's waist and hugged him to himself. Subaru's waist was thin but supple and it felt comfortable to hug.

5 minutes later...

While sitting on the sofa watching Wolf Children, Hinata felt slight discomfort in his chest. He rubbed the spot. It disappeared in moments and thus was forgotten. It happened again a minute later. It lasted longer. He rubbed the spot again. Shu turned his head and gave him a questioning look. Hinata shook his head. Just a few feet away Laito felt a strange discomfort in his chest. He frowned. It went away in moments so he shrugged it off.

Suddenly, Hinata was straining for breath. It felt like a fist was clamped around his heart, cutting of his life. He tried taking in more oxygen but it felt like he was breathing through a straw that was getting smaller and smaller. Shu sat up concerned.

"Hinata?" Worry and panick in his voice. All the Sakamaki's turned their attention to Hinata. The boy was gasping for air, his hands clutching at his chest.

"HINA!" Kanato exclaimed. Seeing the strong and stable Hinata so helpless was maddening. Suddenly the boy stopped struggling and collapsed. Fortunately Shu caught him. Laito pushed to see what was going on. Seeing Hinata's motion less form, panic set it.

"WAKE UP, MA DROGUE!" Laito yelled. He was desperate. He was gripped with fear. If he lost Hinata he didn't know what he would do.

"HINATA!" Laito looked one with worry.

"CALL 119!" Shu yelled. Reiji took out his phone quickly dialing.

"IDIOTS WE CAN TELEPORT! REIJI GET THE ADDRESS!" Shu exclaimed. A quick search online gave him the address. Reiji reported it to his brothers. Shu carried Hinata who had passed out. It didn't even look like he was breathing. Kanato's eyes stung. No, he couldn't lose Hina. Never. Kanato looked at Shu pleadingly. His brother took his hand.

The brothers teleported out. Not even a second later Ayato appeared.

"HINATA! HINATA! ITS YUI! SHE-" He called out but no one responded. Teleporting around the mansion, he found there was no one. He stood there alone.

"Yui...she's gone." He whispered.

"Au contraire, my boy. I'm alive and well."

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