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"Because they're dead." No sooner had those words left his mouth, he felt a burning sensation from his chest, at first the pain was dull, making him shift uncomfortable in place. Then it climbed ever higher, a lance of pain struck his chest, like flames licked at his very skin, eating and burning away the flesh. There was an ache in his bones and he could no longer stand. His legs gave way underneath him and he and fell. He could hear the faint sound of screaming and arms caught him before he could fall to the floor. He realized just then, those screams were his own. His hand went to his chest, his grip tightened over his shirt.

the pain was unbearable. It hurts so much. Please make it stop.

He claws at his shirt, struggling to get the buttons off. He knew he had succeeded when he could feel air touch the naked skin of his chest. There, Yui's soul mark were glowing a bright pink.
Please help me. I don't want to be alone. It hurts to breathe. A pleading voice swam in his pain addled mind. He desperately clung to it, using it as an anchor to push through the pain. Yui was hurting. My mate is hurting.

Unbeknownst to him, tears were falling from his eyes, there was clear grief in his eyes. He clung to Kanato, the only thing keeping him from falling. The smaller boy held him up.

"Hinata! What's wrong? I don't know what to do! Mr.Teddy, what should I do?" The young vampire was panicking. Hinata was hurting but he didn't understand what caused it. He was perfectly fine just moments before. Looking at his ashen face, Ayato could see his tears fall down his cheeks. The pain and grief clearly shone in his features. Kanato felt lost. He looked desperately to the bear on the counter but all he was met with was silence. Suddenly Hinata spoke.

"Get to Yui. She's...hurting." He pants. Was that why he was like this? Kanato didn't care much if she was but...Hinata was hurting too.

"Don't worry I'll help her. Just rest." He said, hoping reassure him. Hinata smiles faintly and nods before passing out. Sighing, Kanato pulled out his phone, it was answered on the second ring.

"What do you want? You know we're not allowed to call during school hours." Came Reiji's clipped tone.

"It's Hinata...

After explaining the situation, there was a moment of silence before Reiji spoke.

"I see. Tell me where you are I will meet you. I'll call Ayato to find Yui. He's usually the one who drinks from her during this time. He's not supposed to kill her, what the hell was that idiot thinking?"

"Okay I'll wait here for you. I'm in the third home ec room near the vending machine."

"Got it. I'll be there soon."

Not even a minute later, Reiji appeared. He immediately took in Hinata who was passed out in Kanato's arms. Reaching out for the boy, Kanato took a step back. Reiji raised a brow at this.

"I'll carry him. Should we head home?"

"Yes. But how will you carry him and Mr.Teddy? Plus your too small to carry him, you might drop him." Reiji reasoned. As reluctant as he may be, Kanato realized he was right. There was no way he could carry them both. He handed Hinata to Reiji, and took Mr.Teddy in his arms again. The two then headed out. They walked down the hallway in silence. All the students had already gone to class, their lunch period had ended just a few minutes prior. Laito cake around the corner.

"Ayato said he found Yui in the girls bathroom beaten, looks like students had some fun with her." He chuckles. School girls sure can be vicious when they want to be. Like Kanato he didn't care about Yui. She was just another sacrificial bride as far as he was concerned.

"He said he would meet us in the school infirmary. I think they called the ambulance too." He continued. It was then he noticed that he noticed Hinata in Reiji's arms. His focus was completely on the raven now.

"What happened to him?"

"It was strange, he suddenly cried out like he was stabbed or something. He starting crying too and said that Yui was hurting." Kanato spoke up. Glancing at his triplet, Laito noticed something off about him. It was so unlike him to be worried about anyone, but he was. He paid little to no attention to his brat. His eyes focused on Hinata as he spoke.

"You think maybe it was the soul link? Like what they say about soulmates feeling each other's pain?", Laito said. Reiji contemplated this as the three walked to the infirmary.

"It certainly matches up with Hinata's reaction. From what you told me, Kanato, Yui must have been in a lot of pain for him to pass out." Reiji said.

"Well Whatever the case, whoever did this won't be getting away from it." Laito said with an edge to his voice.

"What's this? I didn't think you cared for Komor-San in that way." Reiji mocked. Laito sent him a glare.

"I don't care about the silly human. She's just a sacrificial bride after all. We can always get more of her. No. I don't mean her. I mean our newly found soulmate, Hinata. He's far too entertaining to let go. And someone was brave enough to make him hurt. They hurt what was mine. I'm not gonna just stand here and do nothing about it." There was conviction in his voice, it surprised the two but it was much the same way they felt about the matter.

"Whoever it is..." They began.

"They better pray to whoever they can...

"Because when we find them...

"We'll break them...

"Mind..." Reiji holds Hinata closer to him.

"Body..." Laito's green eyes burn against the dimly lit hallway.

"And Soul..." Kanato a crazy gleam in his eye.

"They will feel every..." Laito smirks.

"Tear that he did..." Reiji could practically hear their screams already. It set his cold heart racing. Oh how he would make them scream.

Naiki + friends are so screwed :) don't mess with what belongs to Sakamaki's. Two whole days...I'm sorry hope this makes up for it. Updating tomorrow as well.

Question: What do you think they'll do?

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