"Do you realize how cliche this is?"

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"Students we have a new student joining us. Please welcome Himura Hinata." Mr. Tachibana, the homeroom teacher said gesturing to Hinata. He stood awkwardly to the side as all the students eyes were on him. He occupied himself with his sleeves so he didn't have to look at them.

"Himura? Like the fashion designer?", a girl said.

"Omg I love her! Are they related?"

"I heard she had a nephew!"  Another girl squeals. Hinata flinches at the sound. Muttering, 'too loud'.

"Go ahead sit anywhere." As soon as he said that multiple people raised their hands and called out to him to sit next to him. Ignoring all them, he looked around the room for an empty seat. While he was looking, he saw Yui sitting by herself in the corner. There was an empty seat next to her. Without a word, he made his way to her. Disappointment went through the female students, grumbling about how unfair it was.

"I can't believe he sat with that bitch. She's got the Sakamaki brothers and now him? What a slut." A purple haired girl whispered, shooting a glare at Yui. Hinata tensed at this. He was ready to put her in her place but he was interrupted by Mr. Tachibana.

"Unless it's school related I don't want to hear it Ms. Nikai." He said in a nonsense tone. Some students laughed at this and Nikai ducked her head in embarrassment. Settling in next to Yui he put his bag on the floor next to him. He graced her with a small smile. She smiled back.

"Thank you for sitting next to me, Hinata. You didn't have to just because we're soulmates."

"I didn't do it cuz of that. I did it cuz I wanted to. So what are you guys doing in this class?" Yui then went into explain where they were in the course work. They spoke animatedly, unaware of the eyes that watched them with hatred.


Having parted with Yui during lunch break, Hinata had taken that opportunity to tour the school. After all it was one of the most prestigious if not the most prestigious in Japan. He found himself in what looked to be a home ec room.

"Himura-San!" He whipped around to face...Nikai-San? What could she want?

"Nikai-San did you need something?"

"Well you see my mother and your aunt are good friends and I thought we could be too." She smiles as if anticipating his acceptance.

"No." He replied. She looked suprised at his response.

"Why not?"

"I don't like you."

"You barely know me! If you just-

"From the way you treated Yui, that was enough to know exactly the kind person you are." At Yui's name her expression darkened and her eyes burned with hatred. Just what did Yui do to make her this way?

"That bitch! She's not who you think she is. She's whoring herself to all the Sakamaki brothers and she's even living with them." Her voice trembled, barely containing her anger. So this is all cuz of jealousy? If she only knew what the brothers are really like. He could almost feel bad for her if wasn't for the way she spoke about Yui.

"I happen to live with her and she's nothing like what you say. Someone like you has no place to talk about her like that."

"Your living with her now too? She just can't stop can she? She has to take everyone. Why are you defending her?"

"Because she's my soulmate." Her eyes widen in shock and silence rings in the room. It was Hinata who broke the silence first.

"She isn't your concern. So don't get involved where your not wanted."

"Damn you! I promise you I won't take this lying down!" She yelled before running out. Taking a deep sigh, Hinata turned his attention to something more calming.



Kanato was drawn by the scent of sweets. He followed it and brought him to one of the home ec rooms. Opening the door he found Hinata humming over a cake he was finishing decorating.

"Hinata, feed me cake." He ordered. Hinata looked over his shoulder at the shorter boy.

"I'll consider it when you learn to ask for it."

"Give. Me. Cake." Kanato took a threatening step. Unconcerned, Hinata pressed him further.

"If you want it ask for it. Politely."

"I don't have to listen to a stupid human like you."

"Call me Whatever. But it was meant for you. It would be sad if you didn't get it." Kanato looked surprised by this,

"You made this...for me?"

"Yeah. But if you don't want it I can-

"I want it." Hinata gave him a look.

"Please." He said reluctantly. Hinata gave him a small smile, ruffling his hair. Kanato was taken by surprise. No one had smiled like that to him. It felt...warm.

"Thank you, I worked hard on it. Would you like some tea?" He said turning back to the stove, cleaning up the mess from the cake.


Cutting this a bit short I want to make a part 2. I got my first driving lesson tomorrow then work. So I won't be able to update till tomorrow night. Thanks for sticking with this story I know it's a bit boring I'll try to make it better

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