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"Surprised? Thought I was Subaru, huh? Your precious angel?" It came out angry, not like Reiji at all. It confused Hinata, why was he being this way? Did he see him with Subaru?

"What-" Suddenly Hinata's back hit his bed, strong arms caged him. The vampire straddled him, his face just inches from his own.

"Why not me? Can't you look at me that way? Why him?" He sounded angry but also afraid. Understanding dawned on him. He was afraid. Afraid that Hinata of all people liked Subaru over him. Is this a thing with all of them, why do they have such a low self worth? What kind of parents?

"I swear, this is the third time I'm saying something like this and probably not the last. I don't have a favorite. I care for each of you individually and in different ways. I don't feel any less for you because I choose to spend my time with Subaru. What made you think such a thing?" He looked at him curiously. Reiji cleared his throat.

"You've barely spoken to me these last few weeks." Was that a pout? Was Reiji seriously pouting for lack of attention. I swear they're like children.

"Well you haven't exactly made it easy. Your distant during school and after what happened to Yui, I wanted to be there for her. I'm the only person there for her."

"I don't care about that human."

"Yes it's very clear. Is it really so hard to treat her like a decent human being. Has she done something to offend you?"

"We're not humans. It's different for us, Yui is just a sacrificial bride. She's a blood sacrifice for us nothing more, nothing less." He said. He said it so casually, like they were talking about the weather. He really didn't see anything wrong with the way they treated her.

"You really don't see anything wrong. I can't imagine what came from this kind of thing but it needs to stop. It's not right. She's a person. Respect her, don't just ignore her pain and hurt her even more. She's a sacrificial bride so what."

"She's a human. She's expandable." He sneers.

"So am I. Don't give me that looks. Blood is very essential to a vampire. It's kind of your whole basis for living. You should feel great full, honored even that Yui is here. She's taken from her only family and dropped in with 6 blood thirsty vampires, the girl is just trying to survive, there's no need to add fuel to the fire."

"Why do you feel so strongly about this?" He brushes raven locks away from his face.

"Because she's my friend. Because I love her and I want the best for her. It hurts, you know?I wish we could all live together happily." Hinata sighs. He reaches out and urges Reiji to join him. Now he lay curled up with Reiji. He shows his neck to him.

"Drink up. I can smell your hunger." With that he yawns, and within moments he's asleep. Reiji take in the sight of his soulmate. It had been so long since they were close like this. He missed it so much. Licking the exposed skin, he thought,

Maybe I'll be nicer to that human. If only to be closer to my Hinata.

With his mate's heart beat under his tongue, he sank his fangs into him. He couldn't contain the moan that escaped his lips.

Just as sweet as I thought.

And did I hear more Hinata x  Shu moments cuz bish same. I love those two❤️ and something of Kanato is revealed. Coming in whenever I get off my lazy ass. Later

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