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"Ayato." She felt a fluttering in her chest, that quickly changed to a sledgehammer in her chest. She felt chilled to the bone, the phantom pains of fangs on soft flesh rushing back.

"Miss me, Chichinashi?", He smirks. He was enjoying the sight of the small human who practically trembling at the sight of him. She clenched her hands into fists. 'Not again. I won't let this fucker get to me.' She mustered up a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Yeah about as much as I miss school.  What are you doing here?" She said, arms crossed.

"What do you think? I'm hungry. And guess what your looking particularly delicious right now." He took a step forward. She planted her feet to the ground, refusing to give in. Ayato raised a brow, 'usually the human would be squealing and whining and attempting to get away.' He was confused but also intrigued.

"Okay you have about 5 seconds to get the fuck out of my face." Taking that as a challenge, Ayato too another step closer. He was so close now, his arm brushed against hers.

"Or what, Chichinashi?" He challenged.

"My patience is wearing thin. And by wearing thin I mean you are one smart ass comment away from being bitch slapped so hard google won't find you." He threw his head back, laughing.

"Wow I didn't think you had it in you."

"I'm well within my rights to punch you in the throat."

"Aw look at you, standing up to the big bad vampire. 2 weeks without a fang in you, sure made you brave."

"Aw it's cute how think I give a flying fuck. Why don't you turn your ass around and find your IQ. It shouldn't take long it's not that high to begin with." He scowls, taking hold of her shoulders and roughly throwing her on her bed. Climbing after her, He puts her hands above her head and encircles her wrists, caging her with his body.

"Your testing me, Chichinashi." He growls. She shivers at his tone. She glared at him, hating him for putting her in this situation again, for making her heart flutter when she saw him and for making her shiver in pleasure like a bitch in heat.

"And your seriously fucked."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't fuck with me, Ayato. You only get this way when your angry so you obviously feel guilty about something and that something is usually one your brothers. Let me think, Laito?," she sees no reaction, " no you have your little squabbles but never anything serious. Maybe...Subaru?" She could see him clench his jaw.

"I'm right!"

"Shut up!"

"What did you do? You better not have hurt him, you bastard!" She yells.

"Just shut up you don't know anything! And why do you care anyway? He drank from you too." He snapped. Her expression softens, startling him. A soft smile graces her lips. His heart jumped.

"He's...different. He's gentle and kind no matter how much he tries to hide it." His expression darkens.

"Subaru this, Subaru that can't you guys just stop? What's so great about him. Why does he get attention. How can he get kind words and smiles out of you but the only thing I receive is dark looks and sharp words?" He said this softly, as if afraid if he spoke any higher the secret he had kept in his heart would be spring free and he would be bare. Nothing to protect him from judgement. Yui's eyes widen.

'Is this really him? All this time I thought you acted this way purposely but could it be your...afraid?'




"Just. Don't." He said. Without a word, he brushed her hair away from her neck, with the tip of his nose, teasing her soft flesh. She let out a small cry as familiar fangs entered her.

Bastard! I knew he didn't change. I'm such an idiot.

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