Chapter 1

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I was almost a year old when it happened, when it killed Mother. She was hunting. As soon as we heard the bang we knew she was gone. The same thing had happened to Father a few months ago. A loud bang and he never returned. Then we were on our own. Five German Shephard puppies wandering the woods, completely and utterly alone. Mother named me Solla, and since she left us, I'm the only girl in the pack. The small amount of food we can catch, usually some mice, bugs and maybe a squirrel, have sustained us the past months. Although when the cold season comes, food will be scarce. We haven't heard the infamous bang in a few months. My eldest brother, Dusk, named it the death bang because every time it sounds a life is taken.

I was trotting through the woods with my favourite brother Dellie. We often hunt together and bring our meals back to the den to share with the pack. We hadn't eaten in several days and were starving. We required a decent meal. I picked up a scent, it was sweet, like fresh meat, but it was new to me. I turned to Dellie and realised he had noticed it as well. I put my nose to the ground and carefully followed this new and exciting aroma. Dellie padded beside me, cautiously keeping watch. We followed the mysterious odour to a small grove with a stream which gurgled lazily. A gigantic animal with menacing horns protruding from its head was idly lapping at the water. It was a deer. Mother had brought one to the den a few months before the death bang caught her. She told us they had good meat but were difficult to catch. I turned to Dellie, his tongue flopped out of his mouth, which gave him a goofy appearance. He wanted to catch it. I barked and raced towards it, grabbing one of its long legs in my mouth and biting down hard. The deer let out a deafening bellowing sound as Dellie took a chunk out of its stomach. The deer bowed his head and ran at Dellie, attempting to skewer him. He bounded out of the way at the last second with a delighted bark. The animal lacked speed and agility, as a result, its dark blood began to pool on the forest floor. It finally collapsed and Dellie yapped, ecstatic that we now had a decent meal. that was when we heard it, the death bang.

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