Chapter 2

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Dellie was frozen with fear. His eyes had glazed over and he was staring intently at me. I tentatively sniffed the air. The death bang had sounded close. Dellie whined. We had to get back to the den, but we couldn't leave the deer. I gently nudged Dellie with my head and quietly whined. I grasped one of the deers front legs and motioned for Dellie to pick up a back leg. He did. We began dragging the carcass in the general direction of the den. We raced through the thick mass of trees making as little sound as possible. I could smell my brothers, we were close. 


Dellie had stepped on a dead twig. It wasn't long before a new scent made its way to my nose. It was a dark, menacing aroma that sent shivers down my spine. One that has haunted my dreams since Father left. Its scent was getting stronger with each passing second. Dellie was terrified. He was shaking uncontrollably. The death bang would soon find us. We had to remain silent. Dellie was quietly whimpering. I gently whined, silencing him. My heart was hammering in my chest. I could hear bushes rustling as the death bang came increasingly closer. I realised we had to move or we would be spotted. I indicated to Dellie that we had to go by gathering up the leg that I had unconsciously dropped. He did the same. We turned and headed the opposite direction aiming to arc around the death bang. Dellie was trembling. I had never seen him this full of terror. Intently observing the undergrowth for any sign of the death bang. I got a better hold on my leg and pushed him forward a bit with my head. We kept moving silently through the undergrowth. I picked up the pace every few seconds determined to return to the den. Soon we were galloping through the undergrowth. Two sleek shadows moving silently through the trees. I prayed the death bang would not catch us. I prayed for Dellie's sake. We reached halfway. I could feel Dellie's terror wash away with renewed hope. That was when the bushes parted and a face appeared. A horrible face, filled with hatred and hostility. A face that haunted my dreams. A face that I never wanted to see. It was the face of the death bang.

"What have we here," It grinned evilly. But it was a human. Mother used to take us to watch the family that lived by the woods. They smelt kind and gave us delicious, crispy bacon. But this human smelt hostile and corrupt. I became conscious of Dellie's whimpering. A plan begins to form inside my head. I give a low menacing growl. Dellie understands, drops the deer leg and darts toward the den. I see his figure get increasingly smaller. Then I give a warning bark at the human and race after Dellie. I take a few steps before a net is tossed over me. My feet get tangled and I fall, head over heels. I come to a halt upside down, against a large rock. I can see Dellie has made it to the den. I whine proudly. The death bang waltzes over to me. I growl warningly. "Well hello there little puppy," It says gleefully, "what are you doing all alone out in the woods?" It's taunting me and I bark, threatening it. It released a deep cackle, "My name is George and you're coming with me." 

I attempt to conceal my fear by growling menacingly. He picks me up. I bite his arm hard and can taste the metallic flavour of blood. George screams and drops me. I hit my chin against the floor and whine. George rips some of his shirt and bandages his wound. Then he reaches into a pocket on his pant leg and pulls out a short rope of some sort. He roughly grabs my snout and tightly ties the rope around. I wiggled my head, but could not get it off. I angrily growled at him. "Ha, now ya can't bite me ya piece of garbage" He declared. He picks me up again and carries me through the woods. After hours of the rough swaying motion that being carried is, we reach an area I am unfamiliar with. It seems like an endless open grassland. Close to the tree line stood a massive, black, metallic thing. George opened it and shoved me in. He walked around and jumped in front slamming the door behind him. He makes it roar. It sounds like it's in pain. I want to help it. We slowly move forward and the roar sputters down to a dull grinding. I call it a grinder. I think about the pack. I'm content Dellie made it back to them. As sleep slowly takes me I pray I'll make it out of this alive.


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