Chapter 8

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On the furthest bench sat three people. I automatically attempted to race over, jump up on their laps and lick their faces until they couldn't breathe, but unfortunately, Louise held me back. I could hear Josie squealing with laughter as she slid down the big slippery slide. Jo casually walked over to the trio.

"Jackie, Matt," She said, "It's so good to see you again" Then she gave them both a big hug. She looked at the third person, a boy around Louise's age "Gosh Ashton you've grown up so much last time I saw you, you were about this big." And she gestures somewhere near her hip, Ashton smiles,

"That was a long time ago then wasn't it," He says

 "Now remind me, how old are you again?" Jo asked with a frown. Ashton looked confused then said

"Remember, I'm fifteen the same age as Louise and Alsono" He replied, Louise, cleared her throat

"Well actually Alsono and I are still fourteen, our birthday is in a week" She explained, Ashton looked at her and nodded

"Where is Alsono?" He asked. Louise shrugged and said

"He's off playing rugby with his mates" Ashton nodded again. He looked at me. I was wriggling with excitement and thrashing my tail back and forth but the leash wasn't long enough for me to jump up on their laps, I'd figured that out the hard way. 

"Well hello beautiful" His mum Jackie said to me. I started wagging my tail faster at the attention and nudged my head against her thigh. She laughed and bent down to pat me. Ashton also came and gave me a hug, much to my delight. I was ecstatic about getting more attention and I didn't want any of it to go away. I wanted them all to stay there and keep petting me. I was jumping up and down against their legs trying to lick their faces. I was so busy that I didn't realise I had caught another scent, one I hadn't smelt in a while. It was the smell of another dog.


Hey guys. Sorry, it's been nearly a full week since I updated, but here it is so I hope you like it.        Thanks xx

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