Chapter #5

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The next day I wake up and I take a shower and brush my teeth and comb my hair. I come downstairs dressed and my mom is on the couch reading something
Mom: hey hun where are you going
Y/n: oh I'm going to the movies with Cohen
Mom: oh that's nice be back soon okay?
Y/n: k bye mom
I open my front door and Cohen is standing there waiting
Y/n: oh hi; y- you were there the whole time ?
Cohen: nah I just got here but hurry before it starts
We arrive a the theater and almost every kid we know is there ready to see the movie. We stand in like waiting to get snacks and those stupid idiots are there . The same one that kept messing with me and Cohen
Boy#1: oh look if it isn't the two live birds
Boy#2: do guys not go anywhere together
Cohen: could you do me a favor a shut the hell up.
Y/n: 😂
Girl#1: i expected you two to be here 🥱
Girl#2: maybe we should watch them kiss
Y/n: excuse me you're breathing MY air at least I have a decent friend to hang out with. You on the other hand hang with musty little brats
Cohen: come on let's get our popcorn and go
Me and Cohen walk into the room
Y/n: [whispers] hey let's hurry and gets these seats before there taken.
The bratty girls hurry and sit there pushing us out of the way and they smile
Y/n: I just wring there necks sometimes
Cohen: it's fine let's just sit somewhere else
Me and Cohen sit elsewhere and those other dusty little boys are across from us
We finish watching the movie and it was great but those boys wouldn't stop messing with Cohen.
Boy#1: hey they didn't kiss
Boy#2: not even holding hands
Boy#3: maybe you are gay Cohen
Cohen: so now if our relationship isn't sexual I'm gay?
Boy#2: yeah that's exactly what you are
All: Cohens Gay Cohens gay Cohens gay
Y/n: shut the fuck up and leave Cohen alone
The boys get mad that I yelled at them and they push me then try to feel me up and pulls the ribbon out of my hair really hard
Y/n: ouch that hurted!
Cohen sees them and he pushes one of them down and socks him in the face.
Cohen: get off of her
Y/n: omg Cohen stop stop you're gonna get us in trouble. It's not worth it
We rushed out of the theater and went into Cohens backyard.
Y/n: you didn't have to do that . We're supposed to just ignore them
Cohen: yeah and you didn't have to do that
Y/n: they kept calling you gay for no reason and I didn't want them making rumors about you. But you shouldn't be fighting you never fight
Cohen: yeah but.... then he started picking on you. I seen the way he pushed you over and tore that ribbon from you're hair.
Y/n: well thank you cause I wouldn't got beat up 😭
Cohen: no problem , and I'm not mad at you anymore. I never should have been since apparently being best friends is against the law
Y/n: 😂
Cohen: wanna sleep over ?
Y/n: sure ill bring my stuff over

Me and Cohen go to his room and we're eating chips, ice cream, chocolate, gum, gummy bears, sour candy, juice, and lots and lots of candy

Y/n: you're house had the best snacks
Cohen: I'll trade my KitKat for your warhead
Y/n: hmmm ... okay
Me and Cohen are just talking and eating snacks all night and stuff then I get in the shower and change into a tank top and comfy shorts .
Cohen: hey since our other bet kinda got ruined I got a new bet
Y/n: what
Cohen: let's see who can pull an all night er
Y/n: ok bet
Me and Cohen are on the floor with like a million blankets and pillows and we're laughing and talking and We watch TV and spend time on our phones until like 2am and i start to get tired.
Y/n: 🥱
Cohen: are you tired ?
Y/n: no
Cohen: you're lying
Y/n: no I'm *yawn* not
Shortly after that I fall asleep right next to Cohen and he puts the blanket over me and goes to sleep too. I faintly hear him whisper
"You lost the bet sucker"

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