Chapter #12

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I get up in the morning and I don't even snooze my alarm. I get ready , eat and put my shoes on. Kendall is upstairs trying to wake me before she leaves the house
Kendall: hey y/n wake up it's time -
She goes down stairs to see me fully prepared
Kendall: oh sis you're already ready never seen you this energetic and ready for school .
Y/n: yeah you're right todays just different I guess
Kendall: ok well let's walk to school together

Me and Kendall walk to school together i enter the building and go to my locker to put some things away . I'm go to the bathroom just to check my self in the mirror . Brooke comes in and gives me a hug.
Brooke: morning , could I use you're perfume please it always smells so good
Y/n: of course
Brooke : *inhales* mmmmm thank you
*bell rings*
Brooke : got damn it I swear it rings earlier Every day
(She says as she grabs her belongings)
Y/n: damn right it does, see you in 3rd period
Brooke: byee

I'm in PE but I'm not really in the mood right now for all the activeness early in the morning so I just fake a leg cramp so coach would let me sit out . I just sit on the bleachers and drink from my water bottle . I sit back and just look out into the court . Reminds me of my middle school days which I kind of miss. Even though some days sucked overall if I could go back it'd feel like I'd had my child hood back. I remember me and cohen watching school basketball games when we'd sit in the bleachers. The Cheering , the fun , the laughter. God I miss life back then , now I'm just part of the bum ass honors club. Speaking of Cohen ... where the hell is Cohen. Hmm maybe I'll see him in the hallway . ( I thought to my self)

After second period is over and so forth I make my way to 3rd period. Then Ricky starts walking with me .
Y/n: oh hey Ricky
Ricky : hey y/n .. I see you matched with me like we planned . Lookin fresh
Y/n: awe thank you
We begin walking slowly together but I try to keep my distance a little so he doesn't catch any hints that I like him . It would be embarrassing if he ever found out .
Ricky : here you can my LA hat
He puts it on my head backwards
*nervous laughter*
Ricky smiles
Ricky: ahhh you looking like a mini me
Me and Ricky continue walking and talking about more things while we're on our way to class. And this random guy runs really fast by me and makes me drop my iced coffee all over me .
*i shriek from the coldness*
Ricky: what the hell is wrong with you, you bitch!
He yells from down the hall at the guy who did it .
Y/n: Omg my shirt is ruined
Ricky : here come on come on
He takes me behind some wall in the school the hall ways are getting more empty because people are in class now. But Ricky scurry's into the boys bathroom and comes out with some towels to soak up the coffee out of my shirt. I have one of those v-neck crop tops on that has like mega cleavage. So when he's putting his hand there to soak up the drink he's right on my tits. He notices and he looks a bit nervous he does that look away thing and his hand are shaky.
Ricky: s- sorry this sucks but I'm trying to help
Y/n: no you're fine , at least you're trying
Ricky: I'm sorry, do you wanna do it ? Am I making you uncomfortable ?
Y/n: not at all *I say with a smile on my face*
After a few minutes the stain is there but barely even visible. I thank him for trying to fix my problems.
Ricky : hey we might as well skip we've wasted this much time already.
Y/n: yea we should I didn't wanna go to class anyway
We exit out the school and we go into the football field and stand behind/under the bleachers.
Y/n: funny cause I was just out here for P.E
Ricky : oh really ? What year are you ?
Y/n: freshman remember ?
Ricky : oh yeaa dats right. Mmm ok you a young shordy .
Y/n: Yeaaa everyone calls us babies . I'm used to it now . What year are you ?
(I pretend I don't already know)
Ricky : I'm a junior
Y/n: how is it
Ricky: has its ups and downs like everything else
Y/n: mmm ok I feel you
*I turn my hat to the side*
Ricky : what are you doing ?
Y/n: what I'm just ... wearing like you would. Mini me right ?
Ricky : ohhh ok i see , and what are we going to do out here all this time
Y/n: idk Ricky , but it's almost time for 5th period so -
Ricky : we skipped two periods?
Y/n: fuck yeah
Ricky: you're a bad girl hm?
Y/n: oh no I just like to be a bit spontaneous sometimes.
Ricky: alright well sincere you said the next class is starting soon I'll race you back to the building .
Y/n: aight bet
Ricky: need a head start ?
Y/n: *i scoff* do you ?
He looks and me smiles then shakes his head turning his focus back to the school .
Ricky: 3...2..1 GO!
me and Ricky run back to the building. I'm running as fast as I can id never let him make. There before me. I can hear his feet running behind me he's catching up . Then all of a sudden and I feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind and then start to pull me down.
*I start laughing uncontrollably because I know he's just trying to stop me from winning*
I fall from his strength bringing me down. Now I'm on the ground giggling I turn my head the hat falls off . I turn my whole self around I see him looking right at me he's laughing too. But then our eyes lock with each other. My stomach starts feeling weird. He lets his hand go from he so gently drop on the ground with my back down and I'm facing him . At this point we've stopped laughing and we're just looking at each other . Both of us breathing Heavy but not saying a word. We both notice the awkward movie like tension and we just snap out of it and get up to get to class . He walks me to class and we're smiling laughing and talking.

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