Chapter #8

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The next day I walk to school without Cohen because he stayed home, he was feeling sick. I walk in and me and Brooke are in the bathroom fixing our hair before we go to class . Times passes, and it's time for math class with Derek and I stayed up really late that night so I was tired. Through out his whole class my head was on my desk and I was asleep. Derek kept telling me to wake up but I would just fall back asleep. The bell rang and his class was over.
Derek: alright everyone have a good rest of your day.
I take my things and begin to walk out
Derek: not you
Y/n: what
Derek: yeah
He closes the door and tells me to sit down
Y/n: *sigh* what is it Derek I'm tired. Do you have any snacks
Derek: you can't keep falling asleep in my class
Y/n: not you trying to be strict
Derek: no really, you're being a naughty girl. And naughty girls get "punished" 😏
Y/n: I see where this is going, Derek not everyday
Derek: I'm giving you you're grades now you do as I say or all that could come to an end *he says seriously and aggressively*
Y/n: oh, okay Derek
Derek: and you looked mighty fine in that bathing suit yesterday. *he bites his lip*
I stare at him
Derek: now run along
I leave his class and I see Brooke
Y/n: come down to the cellar with me we need to talk.
Brooke: talk ?
Y/n: yeah hurry up
Brooke: ok
We head down there and we sit some on the steps
Y/n: ok so you know how me and Derek are like a thing right
Brooke: yeah
Y/n: well it was fun at first but idk he acted weird today.
Brooke: wdym
Y/n: so today I was falling asleep in his class and he kept telling me to wake up but I was really tired so of course I did it. So at the end of class he talked to me privately and he basically said if I don't fuck him when he wants. All those good grades will go away. And I need those A's Brooke I really do.
Brooke: how did you going to sleep lead to this ?
Y/n: he said naughty girls get PUNISHED Brooke come on don't be an idiot.
Brooke: what the fuckkkkk
Y/n: so if I don't obey it's going 8 inches into me
Brooke: omg
Y/n: and I like Derek I never said I didn't but sometimes he wants to do stuff more than I do. Sometimes I just wanna go have fun.
Brooke: maybe you should stop seeing him
Y/n: i- idk maybe we'll see
Staff: AYE! you girls shouldn't be down here hurry and get you're keisters to class
Brooke: let's go
After school I try to just sneak out the building and leave with everyone else but of course Derek always had his eye on me.
Derek: where do you think you're going tutoring is upstairs.
Y/n: yes Mr.Borgen
I go upstairs with him and I just kinda stand there
Derek: well don't look at me you know the drill
Y/n: Derek I already told you earlier-
I head to the door
Derek grabs my wrist to hold me back
Derek: what did I tell you about you're grades when you don't obey me huh? Where do they go?
Y/n: ......
Y/n: down *i say quietly*
Derek: so what's the FUCKING PROBLEM
y/n: d- Derek stop yelling you're scaring me
Derek: you wanted this didn't you? This is what you wanted
Y/n: I'm on my period
Derek: well you should've said something before . You're lucky you're getting outta this one.
I hurry and run to my house and go into my room and immediately call Brooke
Brooke: oh hey
Y/n: Brooke it's getting to be too much
Brooke: what is
Y/n: Derek
Brooke: is this about earlier
Y/n: after school today, Derek made me come to that room. And he wanted to fuck "again" I told him no. He didn't really care he was yelling at me for i reason. He didn't even want me to leave. I just lied to him and told him I was in my period. My period isn't until next week.
Brooke: well maybe you should tell some authority.
Y/n: no, I guess it's not a big deal I'm probably just overreacting.
Brooke: well it's up to you
Y/n: I didn't think if we didn't do it he would be mad. But I don't wanna get Derek in trouble and then my parents will know what happened and then yeah you know the rest.
Brooke: I mean if you feel that way you better go to see him to keep you're grades.
Y/n: yeah I will tomorrow
*Cohen Calling*
Y/n: i gotta go
Brooke: ok
Cohen: hello
Y/n: yeah what's up
Cohen: well I didn't come to school today did you even care
Y/n: *giggle* of course I did
Cohen: was there any fights today
Y/n: no just a regular old day
(Flashbacks of Derek being mad and yelling)
Y/n: um, Im kinda tired I'm gonna take a nap
Cohen: you don't sound like yourself are you okay ?
Y/n: yeah yeah everything's fine, cya tmr
Cohen: ok?
*hangs up*

Thoughts 💭
Cohens my best friend but I didn't wanna say anything. I didn't want him to worry or try to do anything stupid. So I just kept it to myself. I also didn't wanna prove him right. He did tell me that I shouldn't be seeing him . Was Cohen right after all ?

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