Chapter three

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Elijah Mikealson stood in the doorway his mouth slightly ajar as his cleverly crafted composure threatened to slip

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Elijah Mikealson stood in the doorway his mouth slightly ajar as his cleverly crafted composure threatened to slip. In front of him was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen, his mate, and the doppelgänger but that wasn't important at the moment.

His eyes trail over and he felt the breath get completely knocked out of his lungs, a unexplainable, unfathomable and immeasurable feeling of love and bliss fills him as he stares at his stunning mate.

Of course he had seen her before, in his soulmate dreams, but, he had truly underestimated what their first meeting would be like. If he was even lucky enough to meet her that was. There were cases when people had died without ever meeting their soulmate in the first place - and after a millennium of not finding her, he honestly had given up all hope.

He managed to break himself out of his stupor upon seeing his mate, the blonde next to his mate and the doppelgänger looking at him confusedly while the other two vampires glance at him knowingly. They personally hadn't met their mates but they've heard stories of what the first meeting is like.

Elijah breaths out a low breath, gathering all the self control he can as to not simply take his mate in his arms and speed her off and find somewhere to settle down with her, without all the drama he knew Mystic Falls carried - assuming she lived there.

"Human, it's impossible." Elijah spoke quietly, having sped over to the doppelgänger instead of his mate, much to his own annoyance and displeasure. "Hello there."

Finally, Elijah turns to his mate. His chocolate brown eyes clashing with her own light brown eyes, and Elijah swore he almost fainted. He made slow steps towards her, not wanting to frighten or alarm her in any way but when she only titled her head curiously, he quickened his pace - eager to be closer to her.

"Hello, dear." Elijah spoke smoothly and quietly, gently tracing his mate's jawline with one of his fingers - his eyes scanning all over her beautiful face, seemingly not being able to get enough.

"Hi." Sienna smiled softly, shocking the doppelgänger and the vampires in room who would have expected her to be scared, absolutely frightened even but no, she was completely calm, content even.

Elijah allowed his eyes close in bliss for a second, the sound of her velvety, delicate voice blossoming new feelings within him, his undead heart beating a tad faster before he controlled it - knowing Rose-Marie and Trevor would be able to hear it.

Olivia watched from the sidelines, the corner of her lips picking up into a smirk as she watched Elijah's reaction to her friend. She shipped the two of them.

"We have a long journey ahead of we should be going." Elijah said, clearing his throat and extremely reluctantly creating a space between him and his mate so he could actually properly focus.

"Please, please don't let him take me." Elena pleaded helplessly with Rose, forgetting about the two other girls who genuinely couldn't careless they'd rather be with Elijah than the Salvawhores and the whiny doppelgänger anyway.

"One last piece of business, and were done." Elijah stated, ignoring the doppelgängers pleads as he began to stalk toward Trevor.

"I have waited so long for this day Elijah, I am truly very sorry." Trevor said anxiously as he warily watched the stoic original.

"Oh no your apologies not necessary." Elijah waved off nonchalantly, though his brown eyes were sharp and dangerous and he circled around the younger vampire.

"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina am I failed you."

Olivia and Sienna shared a look as they sat back on the musty couch, wishing they had some popcorn right now as they watched the scene unfold before their eyes.

"Well yes, you are the guilty one. Rose aided you because she was loyal to you, that I honour. Where was your loyalty?"

At this point, the bestfriend duo were silently mouthing all of the words they were saying - remembering this scene vividly from their many rewatches of the show.

"I beg you for-"


'Off with his head' Sienna had to refrain from saying, looking into her bestfriend's eyes and seeing she was having the same problem - the both of them breathing heavily through their noses and biting their lips to try and control their laughter.

Elijah slowly turned around, dreading to look into his mate's eyes and see them full of judgemental like he had assumed they would be, but to his surprise she was trying desperately to control her laughter with the blonde next to her.

"You!" Rose wailed as she looked at her only friend and life long companions decapitated body, tears spilling from her eyes.

"Don't Rose, now that you are free." Elijah said simply, tearing his eyes away from his mate to wipe the blood off of his hands before looking over at the doppelgänger.

Olivia and Sienna tuned the rest of the conversation out, simply drawing patterns
on each other's arms and legs out of boredom, not wanting to listen to Elena be the dumb bitch she was.

Their attention was pulled back into the conversation when a smash was heard from throughout the house, Sienna being halfway through tracing squidward on Olivias arm before the blonde pulled away making her pout.

"What is that?" Elijah quizzed suspiciously upon hearing the loud smashing and crashing around the house, his overwhelming protective instincts for his mate coming to light as he moved toward her without thinking.

"I don't know." Rose replied truthfully.

"Who else is in this house?"

"I don't know."

Elijah sighed, gently grasping ahold of his mates hand making her look up at him with her wide light brown eyes, his heart fluttering as a result as she blinks up at him, look at him through her eyelashes.

The original inhaled sharply, trying to ignore the sparks that her touch ignited in him as he much more roughly and carelessly grabbed ahold of the doppelgänger though not enough to truly hurt her, he'd never hurt a woman intentionally unless they were attacking his loved ones and it was necessary.

Olivia and Sienna looked at each other as the brunette gladly let Elijah drag her, her other hand taking ahold of her blonde bestfriend's hand - the both of them rolling their eyes at the Salvatore brothers before putting on their sacred damsel in distress facades. What a show this would be.

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