Chapter eighteen

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This wasn't exactly how Sienna predicted her night would go

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This wasn't exactly how Sienna predicted her night would go. She thought it'd go like usual, watching Sherlock or blasting music or listening to a true crime podcast.

Her currently favoured things do to.

But, no. It turns out the universe had other plans and not necessarily bad ones either. Her, Olivia and the Mikaelson brothers were huddled in the living room while watching 'say yes to the dress' and it was amusing how into it the brothers actually got.

But that's what the program did to people, in Sienna's opinion.

"That dress is so unflattering." Klaus murmured, "the women looks like a loofa."

Elijah nodded in agreement from beside his brother. "And an absurdly high cost for such a unattractive dress."

"Do humans actually believe this dress is fashionable?" Klaus gawked as the lady on screen grinned happily and squealed. "And they're scared of us? I am scared of their glaringly horrid fashion sense."

Elijah once nodded in agreement and the brothers watched as the women on screen said yes to the dress. Sharing a look of pure disbelief with each other.

Olivia could no longer hold off the snort that escaped her, shoving her head in Sienna's neck as she cackled with body shaking laughter.

That triggered Sienna, who's hands tightly wrapped around Olivia and she wheezed for breath, tears of amusement stinging her eyes.

Klaus and Elijah's eyes sheepishly snapped to the two of them, borderline forgetting their presence because they were so engrossed with the TV show. Elijah quickly straightened himself and his suit out, while Klaus pointedly avoided looking at the television.

The door to the house creaked open and a tall blonde women stepped inside. Her soft looking blonde hair pulled into a low ponytail, lips stained with clear gloss and wearing a knee length flow-y sage green dress. In her ears headphones and in her hands was a paper bag of supplies—herbs which reached the vampires' in the house noses.

Sienna smirked lightly toward her beat friend who batted her on the forearms jokingly, both having calmed down from their hysterical laughter.

When the kind looking women's eyes snapped toward them, they widened in surprise at the sight of the two originals and she rushed to place her paper bag of stuff on the near table, removing her head phones which were snuggly in her ears and patting down her gorgeous dress.

"Hi." Freya spoke painfully awkward but it's not like she could get a dummy's guide book on how to speak to her brothers whom she'd longed to meet but they didn't even know that was alive and well. Probably hadn't thought about her in centuries open centuries. That thought alone was enough to install her with anxiety, a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Who might you be?" Elijah greeted formally, head slightly titled and eyes narrowed a minuscule amount. Why did this women have such a familiar air about her, why did her presence make everything seem like things were finally falling into place. He didn't know who she was. But very obviously she wasn't some random blonde his mate had befriended.

Klaus viewed the scene in mild wariness though he didn't let it show on his features, training them into a stoic look which almost broke when the smell of his mate's perfume reached his nose. The blonde didn't seem familiar to him, really, but judging by his brothers face and tone—something was off.

"I'm Freya." The oldest Mikaelson adapted an oddly calm tone which greatly contrasted the panicked inner monologue that she was having.

Enzo then appeared, going through the door which Freya had left agape in her panic. His mouth already opening to speak before he saw the scene playing out in front of him.

"Oh bollocks. Have fun with this family reunion." Enzo let out an evil laugh before scurrying up the stairs where they heard the dramatic slam of his door.

"And what exactly does your friend mean by that?" Elijah inquired, he would have believed it was about himself and Niklaus but with the slightly wider eyes the blonde in the green dress was sporting, it clearly had a different meaning than he suspected.

"She's your sister." Olivia blurted out frantically and Sienna face palmed herself, for Satan's sake Liv.

"She's your sister." Sienna mocked. "Could have cushioned the anti climatic fall there."

"Oh I'm sorry what would you have done?" Olivia retorted.

"Anything but that you dumb hoe."

"Not to interrupt the terribly important discussion you two are having over there." Freya deadpanned. "But I could use some help here, please and thank you."

Sienna and Olivia looked over and both gave thin lipped smiles at exactly the same time.

"It's your life story princess, please do the honour of explaining it." Olivia suggested.

"Mind if I make myself a cuppa in the mean time?"

"Make me one too please."

"How'd you know I won't poison you."

"Because you'd have no other friends without me."

"... Fair enough." 

a/n :
hello all of you gorgeous people <3
i am really sorry for the lack of updates but my life has been really well.. shitty and hectic basically over these last few months but i am trying to get more updates out now that i'm back online !

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