Chapter thirty two

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Stefan didn't even remember how he'd gotten here, wherever here might be— but he sat at on almost empty bar, taking any and all alcohol that he could get

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Stefan didn't even remember how he'd gotten here, wherever here might be— but he sat at on almost empty bar, taking any and all alcohol that he could get. He should feel pathetic, embarrassed maybe, but he just didn't. He felt almost hollow, and the sweet sting of the alcohol he kept knocking back was the rope keeping him from sinking into the depth of nothingness.

"Can I have another-anything?" Stefan asked almost no one in particular as his eyes were unfocused, the feeling of the cold shot glass in his hand grounding him to reality, keeping him from slipping.

"Um.." A honeyed, sweet and timid voice made him blink his eyes open and focus on the person who was speaking. "I-I don't really think that's a good idea, doll. You've been here all night.."

Stefan didn't say anything as he focused on the woman behind the bar. She had warm blonde hair and even warmer brown eyes, her nose wasn't a button nose, it instead had a slightly more rounded bridge which was splattered with freckles. He decided, tipsily, that he quite liked her face. And the way teeth gnawed gently on her rose coloured pouty lips as she peered at him in concern— his head felt light just staring into her eyes. This was probably all the alcohols doing, he deduced.

"D'ya have anyone that I can call to come and pick you up?" She stared at him in mild concern as he just continued observing her in silence.

That seemed to break the dam for the poor boy, the poor lonely boy as tears gathered within his dull green eyes. His own vulnerable state only amplified by the alcohol he'd been consuming since he didn't even know when.

The sweet bartender immediately rushed to his aid, coming out from behind the bar to sit beside the distraught man instead: she didn't try to comfort him through physical affection, not wanting to make him uncomfortable but she gently eased the shot glass out of his grip, and spoke to him— her voice almost like the light he'd been looking for after being stranded in the darkness.

He must've looked so stupid, oh my god, he thought— his lips quivering desperately in hopes to keep the tears at bay, the drunken bliss already fading. But her face wasn't disgusted, judgemental, amused even, she just looked at him comfortingly with no trace of negative emotions and he felt his heart ache longingly at the pure softness etched into her features.

"I'm Adriana." She introduced softly and Stefan focused solely on her voice, the tender look in her eyes, the small up curve of her pretty lips. "It's really nice to meet you, though I would have preferred better circumstances! What's your name?"

She was trying to distract him, to take his mind off his troubles, and it was working.

"Stefan." He sniffled, an embarrassed blushed surfacing on his pale skin, blinking away the tears coating his eyes. "Stefan, I'm Stefan Salvatore. I'm sorry about- um- being a mess."

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