Chapter eleven

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Four things which were originally created as terms that sparked fear in others, made them squirm on the spot uncomfortably. But of recent days, the terms had began to push adrenaline and excitement through growing hordes of people. Specifically, Olivia and Sienna.

The girls, unfortunately, weren't allowed to go into the room where Damon and Elijah were having their confrontation. However, they didn't mind much as they gossiped away with Jenna who was really enjoying the girls company.

"Admittedly he's attractive but the thought of dating him makes me want to hurl." Jenna commented, knocking back another shot as they all sat at the bar in the Lockwood House.

"I don't even find him attractive." Sienna denied, the only thing she liked were his blue eyes - they were nice - oh and his body was mediocre.

"Really? I mean I can see why, so you know what. Never mind." Jenna said, smiling at the girls, slightly intoxicated, and they watched her in amusement.

"What about Elijah, then?" Jenna inquired curiously with her head tilted to the side.

"Jenna, darling, even a blind person would find him attractive. The accent alone would make them swoon." Sienna chuckled.

"Now that, I can agree with." Jenna nodded, bringing her hand up to high-five the brunette who complied.

"What's with this bloke you were ranting to us about, Alaric was it?" Olivia quizzed, she had a neutral stance on Jenna and Alaric's relationship.

"Yeah. My interest in him is dwindling by the minute." Jenna informed, running a hand through her straightened hair.

"Then cut things off with him. He doesn't sound like he deserves you and you don't sound awfully happy or dreamy when you talk about him which is how one is expected to talk about their significant other. Instead you literally just sound royally pissed off and exhausted. So drop his ass and be the independent woman you are." Sienna advised.

Jenna blinked at the brunette, a smile edging its way onto her face as she recovered from her prior shock.

"You know what, I'm gonna do just that." Jenna nodded, winking at the two girls before grabbing her phone out of her clutch - presumably to call the history teacher and end things.

Elijah Mikaelson rolled his eyes as he exited the room, adjusting him blazer casually like he just hadn't stuck a pencil into the side of a certain Salvatore's neck.

And he definitely found joy in Damon's pain.

Especially with seeing the way Damon had manhandled his mate and touched her without consent when she had clearly been uncomfortable. It had made his so unbelievably mad that he barley resisted the urge to relinquish Damon of his heart right then and there in front of all the unsuspecting guests.

But he had to remind himself of his deal with a certain doppelgänger, and oh lord don't get him started on the brunette - she annoyed him so much and her whiny voice psychically pained him to hear. Especially with her making demands like he wasn't an original vampire he could kill her, her boy toys and her family in under five seconds without any remorse.

His murderous thoughts cut short as his ears tuned into the sound of a hearty chuckle and his heart fluttered - recognising it to belong to his mate.

Her sweet scent found its way to his nostrils and he savoured it, wishing he could hold her tight, pull her flush against him and be the one to make her laugh, make her smile, be the one to make her beautiful eyes shine happily, instead of watch her longingly from afar as she had fun with her friends.

But life was unfair.

And he'd known that for a long time now.

Sienna tilted her head back as laughter erupted from her throat, older onlookers peering at her strange for such unladylike behaviour - not that she cared.

"Jen you good there?" Olivia asked in amusement, watching the Sommers woman stumble away over her own two feet.

"Mhmm." Jenna hummed drunkenly.

Olivia sighed, wrapping an arm around Jenna's waist and allowing the woman to lean into her as her eyes dropped shut.

Sienna looked away from her best friend and their new companion, feeling eyes on her, and she blinked as she met eyes with Elijah who had been staring at her.

The brunette girl tilted her head to the side questionably but nevertheless offered the original a smile that, unknowingly to her, made his undead heart flutter.

Elijah gave his mate a kind smile back as he pushed away the urge to walk over to her - seeing as she seemed perfectly content with her current company, feeling his heart begin to hurt as she tore her eyes away from again like the interaction didn't mean anything to her.

"Talk to him." Olivia whispered so quietly that not even Elijah could hear her, she'd observed the interaction between the two and was more than okay to deal with Jenna on her own if her best friend wished to speak to the original.

"I will. Eventually." Sienna replied, looking over to the now empty place in the room where Elijah had left from.

And she'd keep her promise to talk to him.

Sooner than she thought.

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