Chapter twenty six

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Kai Parker grinned manically as he stepped through the doors, hands spread out in a grand gesture, drama practically radiating off of his very being

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Kai Parker grinned manically as he stepped through the doors, hands spread out in a grand gesture, drama practically radiating off of his very being.

"Who told you that?" Sienna deadpanned, biting the corner of her lip withhold a grin which threatened to break out.

"Nobody. But, obviously you'd miss me cause I'm me." Kai shrugged, smirking, before his eyes settled on the originals. "And who are these fine specimen? Anyone I can kill? I'm craving violence currently."

"Elijah and Klaus, the originals." Olivia informed him. "And we'd rather you didn't."

"Elliot. Kyle. Got it." Kai nodded, a frown of disappointment on his lips.

"However." Sienna brought back up, a malevolent grin twitching at her lips. "There is something who needs to be taught a lesson."

"Now that's more like it." Kai's face immediately lit up. "You know how much I love punishing people."

Enzo snickered.

"Damon Salvatore." Sienna supplied, gleefully imagining all the ways that Kai could torture the infuriating man. "Liv, would you find taking Kai to Damon?"

"Absolutely not, Sia." Olivia smirked contentedly, happing to finally experience the violence which she'd previously been deprived of.

"I'm coming." Enzo instantly added in, not wanting to miss a chance to watch the person he loathed most be brutally tortured, and not wanting to miss out on the opportunity to cause him pain.

"And I'm getting MacDonalds." Davina mentioned, scrolling on her phone. "Anyone want anything?"

"Oo have some chicken nuggets for me when I get back please, sweetheart." Olivia requested smiling, already holding the door open for Enzo and Kai to exit from.

"A no brainer."

"Have fun torturing demon, my love!" Sienna called out happily to Olivia, wishing that she could go but deciding to play babysitter to the originals instead.

"I'll send you detailed descriptions and pictures, my darling!" Olivia called back.

Meanwhile, Elijah and Klaus both looked between everything that was happening entirely bewildered by the dynamic of the household inhabitants.

They had absolutely no idea who that man was and could only hope their mate remained romantically unattached— if she had romantic attachments, they would never forcefully take away her happiness by having her break them off, but their chests ached mercilessly at the mere thought. They hoped she had a safe lifestyle, that she remained unharmed, but considering her behaviour they sincerely doubted it and that alone caused them immense worry.

Freya only sighed, having had the pleasure of meeting the siphon already.

• • •

"This is fun." Bonnie grinned elatedly as she fell back onto Caroline's bed, out of breath from their prior pillow fight. The two were already clad in their pyjamas despite it not being night yet.

"Right?!" Caroline giggled joyfully, finally feeling fully content for the first time in a long time as she spent time with Bonnie, without any supernatural drama. "I've missed spending time with you. As in, um, just us."

"Me too." Bonnie admitted, feeling unexpectedly flustered as she looked up and her eyes locked onto Caroline's stunning blue ones.

A lock of hair fell in front of Caroline's face and without thinking, Bonnie shuffled herself closer and tenderly pushed the strand behind her ear, her hand lingering on Caroline's face.

"Have I ever told you, how much I love your eyes." Bonnie found herself whispering and before she could backtrack — "I always have, they remind me of the um ocean. They make me feel grounded.. and calm. They always have. You always have."

Caroline giggled nervously, her face flushing red from both Bonnie's words and her body heat, which both girls could feel as they almost closed the gap between themselves.

"No, you've never said that." Caroline whispered back, her eyes unmoving from Bonnie's deep green ones, feeling weirdly tingly and fuzzy.

"I should have." Bonnie softly replied, feeling warm inside at the blush plastered onto Caroline's pale face. "I should've said that earlier, Care. I should've let you know that you've always been my first choice."

"Always?" Caroline's voice trembled lightly, her eyes shining with something which Bonnie couldn't exactly place.

"Always." Bonnie confirmed, her voice only above a whisper.

Then, Bonnie's phone rang obnoxiously and the both of them pulled apart hastily, appearances flushed and trying to calm their racing hearts.

• • •

"See!" Stefan exclaimed exasperatedly as he and his brother made their way back to their home. "I told you, Damon, those girls have nothing to do with it — you need to leave them alone, they're innocent."

"Oh, Stefan." Damon sighed angrily, whirling around to face his younger brother. "My naive little brother, that's what all bad people would say! They're playing the long game."

"Well leave them to it, then." Stefan shrugged, honestly entirely fed up. "They haven't done anything to us, they're not harming us, leave them be. If they aren't the innocent girls they act like, whatever, it's quite frankly none of your business!"

"What if they took Elena?" Damon rose his voice, genuinely enraged at his brother's uncharacteristic lack of care.

"She gets kidnapped every other day." Stefan exclaimed tiredly. "If you want to waste your days trying to find her, you can go ahead, but I am tired, Damon. I'm fed up. And I would rather not waste away, searching for a girl who doesn't even love me."

Damon looked both angered and puzzled, not knowing if his brother and Elena had come to some sort of relationship break but his anger evidently won as he sped towards Stefan.

"You're being obsessive." Stefan commented, dodging Damon's attack. "Ruining your relationships, or lack thereof, just because of Elena. If you want her Damon, you can have her as long as that's what she wants. I don't want to be apart of that anymore."

"What changed?" Damon cocked a brow, his anger only marginally decreasing so he could ask the question lingering on his mind.

Stefan paused and his eyes briefly flashed with hurt before he said — "I finally saw what kind of person she really was."

With that, Stefan retreated up the steps to his bedroom and Damon was left alone to simmer in his lividness.

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