Chapter twenty one

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The temperature in Portland, Oregon was mild

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The temperature in Portland, Oregon was mild. Enough for someone to break a minor swear but not nearly enough to cause any physical damage. However, in one house in Portland— physical damage was being done.

A giddy laugh past Kai Parker's pink lips as he twisted his knife in his fingers, malicious intent very apparent on his face. Now, that alone would have been rather concerning but what really put that icing on the cake was the four people tied down to wooden chairs in front of him.

"I feel like now is a good time to say hi." Kai announced with a wave of his hand, "What a joyful family reunion. Am I right or am I right?"

"You're delusional." Joshua Parker spat venomously. "Utterly deranged."

"And who's fault is that, dad?" Kai said the word mockingly, an amused pout on his lips. Tracing the sharp knife in his grasp up the arm of the wooden chair his father sat on, taking pride in the flinch he got in return.

"C'mon say it." Kai encouraged mirthfully, a evil grin stretching over his lips. "Say it's your fault."

The coven leader stayed silent—hardened eyes glaring at his son heatedly, though the hurried skip of his mortal heart proved he was frightened out of his sick, sick mind.

"Say it!" Kai suddenly shouted, laughing hysterically at the way all of his ( alive ) family jumped in their places.

"And maybe I'll let you go." He said abruptly calm, his dark eyes locked onto his biological father's daringly, his head titled slightly. "Just you, though."

Joshua Parker was a man who claimed he valued family, would do anything for his loved ones —putting his life in danger being something he claimed to willingly do when it came to rescuing his family. But, when it came down to it, he only cared for himself. If he remained alive and well—powerful and content, then consequences be dammed.

And these consequences just so happened to be his own children's lives.

"It's my fault." Joshua muttered finally.

Josette, who had been sitting —well, tied to the chair next to her father, looked at him in pure disbelief. Mouth slightly parted and bright blue eyes glistening with tears.

The twins — Olivia and Lucas, Luke — shared a silent look. Olivia was giving her twin a ' I told you so ' look and Luke was narrowing his eyes at her warningly.

"What was that?" Kai asked pleasantly, a hand cupped around his right ear for dramatic emphasis.

"It's my fault." Joshua exclaimed finally, twisting his hands around in the magically banning rope which kept him strapped down. "There you got what you want, now let me go."

"See, the thing is.. I actually lied about that." Kai laughed. "There's no chance I'm passing up the opportunity to gut you like a fish, dear dad."

Kai's lips seemed to be pulled into a Cheshire Cat like grin as he leaned forward, whispering in his fathers ear —

"What'd I tell you dad, never trust an abomination like me."

The tone of his wicked voice made Joshua shudder in fear, and Kai pulled back, his lips still tugged back into that scarily wide grin.

"How about you watch me, first, as i put all of your perfect children out of their misery... well the ones I haven't already killed."

• • •

"Where is Kai?" Back in Mystic Falls, Olivia asked her best friend. Pausing in her game of seeing how long she could hold an egg over Elena's unconscious face before having the desire to drop it, her record was four and a half seconds.

Sienna grinned amusedly at the question, pulling out her phone and showing her best friend the picture of a burnt, mauled and headless Joshua Parker which Kai had sent her.

"Good on him." Olivia hummed, unbothered, going back to her game and as soon as she looked down at the doppelgänger, she immediately dropped the egg with a grimace.

"How many eggs have you wasted?" Sienna asked tiredly. Hands on her hips as she looked at the mess Olivia had made.

"Uh.. like two dozens I think."

"Christ, Olivia." Sienna sighed out. "Im not a fucking egg dispenser."

"Tell that to the blood you bleed every month."

".. I haven't got a comeback for that actually."

"Boom, mic drop."

"Think ya meant egg drop."

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