Chapter seventeen

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Sienna watched as the brothers held a glaring contest before Klaus eventually huffed and turned away with his arms crossed, leaving Elijah was a smug smirk

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Sienna watched as the brothers held a glaring contest before Klaus eventually huffed and turned away with his arms crossed, leaving Elijah was a smug smirk.

"So now that's over." Sienna spoke, gesturing between the two of them in amusement, "Basically Santa didn't drop your veiny boxed siblings into the ocean. They're fine... for the most part."


"Oh. Sorry, my bad. Klaus i mean." Sienna corrected herself and watched amusedly as Klaus' face twisted into an unpleasant scowl and Elijah had to suppress a grin.

"Sia!" Olivia shouted from outside the door, "are you done yet I wanna watch say yes to the dress and eat the spag bol I made."

"Jesus calm your tits woman." Sienna shouted back, huffing over dramatically as she stood.

"You two will be fine on your own, right?" Sienna asked quickly, not even bothering to stay behind for their answer as she rushed out of the office and left the two brothers alone.

An awkward silence filled the air.

• • •

"You scheming whore." Olivia accused from where she sat on the sofa, shoving her face with spaghetti, some sauce smudged on the corner of her lips.

"My, my, whatever do you mean?" Sienna grinned, putting on a posh accent as she sat down and crossed her legs over theatrically.

"You left those two bloodthirsty leeches in the room alone together." Olivia pointed out.

"I did nothing of the sort." Sienna denied. "They have my leftover Kit Kat wrapper that I forgot to pick up and my Kermit the frog mug."

"What good company." Olivia deadpanned.

"We should rewatch the muppets." Sienna suggested abruptly.

"Sometimes I feel like your mind is more chaotic than the bitch from inside out."

"You'd be correct. Now about the muppets?"

• • •

Back in the office, Klaus was the first one to break the silence. Sighing loudly and leaning further back where he sat, taking the time to run his curious eyes along the decorations in the room and noting how different it was to most people's preferred designs and layouts. But different was interesting and fun, so contrary to popular belief klaus did indeed like different. Even if he didn't he would have effortlessly accommodated his views for his mate, who already had him wrapped around her ring adorned middle finger.

"I'm surprised you believe I even disposed our siblings in the sea." Klaus mused thoughtfully. "You tend to believe the good in me, in most."

"I would not have put it past you." Elijah plainly replied. As much as he would defend his younger brother, as much as he would try to right his wrongs ; his actions constantly left Elijah questioning whether or not redemption was possible for him, if he could posses more than the pathetic shreds of humanity he rarely showed.

Elijah saw it though, he did. He saw the way his brother would like at Sienna, his mate, with a softness Elijah could not recall seeing since their human years. The Original could easily see all of the signs, for example if anyone else bossed his brother around like Sienna had done, without fear, then he knew that they would be beheaded in an instant.

"She's your mate, isn't she?" Elijah quizzed knowingly, keeping his eyes away from his brother as he awaited an answer.

"Is she not yours as well?" Klaus shot back expectantly.

Despite the beliefs of those who've had the.. displeasure of making his acquaintance. Klaus was not all about killing, no— strategy and planning were a massive contender for success. So he picked up a few things, became a observant person when he had to or wanted to. He wasn't some mindless brute, he was a tactical murderer with intelligence and power.

Elijah merely blinked blankly, sparing his brother a fleeting look and nodding his head in reply.

"What a turn of events." Klaus clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, leaning back.


"When do you plan release our siblings for the torture you have bestowed upon them." Elijah inquired emotionlessly, though anger was swimming in his stoic gaze.


"You are going to have to be more specific, Niklaus." Elijah clenched his jaw, the muscle visibly tightening ; he removed his blazer, setting it on the back of the chair and rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt.

"Soon, Elijah, means in or after a short time." Klaus taunted with a smirk.

"Niklaus, if you are trying to insult my level of intelligence it's a feeble attempt coming from a person such as yourself."

Now, the muscle in Klaus' jaw ticked as he stood, almost knocking the chair he'd been sitting in back with the force he'd stood at.

Before anything could escalate, Sienna creaked the door open and walked in sheepishly— "I needed my Kermit mug."

The originals didn't respond, their anger lessening at a drastic and comical rate just from her mere presence. The sweet scent of her jasmine perfume wafting into their scenes and evoking sudden calmness and tranquility within them. And the sound of soft yet slightly raspy accented voice was just enough to defuse the high built tension in the room and the bubbling anger inside the both of them.

"You can watch say yes to the dress with us if you'd like?"

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