my self preservation skills are low

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tw: swearing, mention of blood\injury

clint barton pov

natasha was looking at her phone. and was that a smile? new boyfriend? i almost laughed aloud at this concept. maybe peter introduced her to tiktok... oh or steve and bucky fanfiction. if not i definitely should.


and i had leaned on the wrong part of the vent.
"what the bleep clint"
"not even a hey... how are you"
natasha was staring daggers at me. my flight or fight response slowly kicking in. i chose to ignore it wrong choice
"so who are you texting nat?"
"that is not your business"
"we keeping secrets now"
"i always have been." and with that rather ominous response i watched her stroll out of the room, tightly gripping her phone

rosies pov
2:43 am
"frick you, having the audacity to stab me. you who just got his ass handed to him by a fucking fifteen year old. i hope the cops thr0w your ass in jail. who in their right mind robs a pet store" i was yelling at the 3 men who i had just caught trying to steal money from my local pet shop in queens. they currently all had gags in their mouth and were tied to a lamppost, so i wasn't expecting much of a response. despite only being 5'2, i had increased strength, speed and agility as a result of my father experimenting on me from a young age. he and my mother bother died when i was 12 meaning i lived with my uncle. he was a great guy- parenting skills somewhat sub par but he'd only been doing it for a couple years. my parents were not great people however. that isn't to say i was happy they were gone only that it wasn't the most depressing thing in my life. anyway... stab wound ... shit. i was currently running to my uncles apartment knowing he had the night shift and i would be home alone. without peters number (it was sunday so i could get it off him tomorrow) there was only one person left to text...
as i got home i clambered into ,the bathroom and sat on the floor biting my lip in an attempt not to scream. i slipped my phone out of my pocket and began typing

rosie:your an adult right?

red:i'm afraid where this is going... but yes

rosie:okay cool cool
what do i do hypothetically...

red:something tells me this isn't going to be hypothetical

rosie:if i HYPOTHETICALLY got stabbed in the shoulder...


rosie:umm... this isn't hypothetical but do i'm fine this just really really hurts

red:okay how deep

rosie:its bleeding a lot

red:apply pressure with gauze till it stops

10 minutes later

rosie:it has stopped

red:you need to get a needle and friend and disinfect them

rosie:i really hate where this is going
okay done...

red:how are your sewing skills

rosie:well i got stabbed in the left shoulder and i'm right handed... so hopefully okay...

red:you need to sew up your shoulder
or going to a hospital still an option


red:which we'll be getting to tomorrow when your all stitched up

10 minutes later

rosie:holy moly that really really hurt
i'm all stitched up thanks for your help

red:no problem kid
go to sleep
i will ask questions when you get back from school tomorrow

rosie:1. i dont sleep did you know i was a kid

red:1.i will be asking questions called me

rosie:right that makes sense. i am 15 years of age.

red:not sure you should be telling me that

rosie:my self preservation skills are low

red:that leads perfectly to the not sleeping thing

rosie:okay i do sleep
like 10 hours a week?
that feels like enough right

red:wtf rosie no no not enough definitely not enough

rosie:huh weird.
how much do you get
is that too invasive
it feels invasive
you know you dont have to answer

red:holy shit your a fast tyler
not invasive
i'd say 20-30 on a good week

rosie:wait am i meant to sleep every night


rosie:what are you doing up at 3 then?

red:i was asleep until like 30 mins ago when you woke me up talking about a stab wound

rosie:oh no i'm sorry i'll let you get back to sleep
good night x

red:goodnight rosie x

this feels like a bad time for it to not be peter (wrong number)Where stories live. Discover now