sports day

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third person pov

it was 11:00am, about an hour after breakfast had finished "whos ready for sports day" tony said, causing moans throughout the group. tony loved competition, but was both a sore winner and loser. this was evident in many team members causing people like steve, hope and scott among others to hate these stupid once a month events. "this time its 3 teams of 5 and i will be picking captains who can choose there team mates. after yesterday. ive decided the most fair captains are...drum roll please" which caused many members of the group to tap various surfaces "our resident norse god thor odinson" the group mimicked a crowd cheering at the announcements "spider boy, peter parker" tony was saying all of this as enthusiastically as humanly possible "and our first female science bro rosie robertson"  the group was all cheering as thor, rosie and peter stood at the front. they took it in turns to pick team mates, starting with peter and ending with thor. thor's team ended up with him, valkyrie, carol, clint and bruce. peters team consisted of him, natasha, tony, steve and scott. rosies team consisted of her, wanda, sam, hope and bucky. rosie was somewhat disappointed that peter snagged natasha first, but believed she had a solid and well rounded team.

"okay, there are going to be five events 1. maximum lift 2. running race, 5 laps of the track 3. 4 person relay race 4. to cater to our more acedemicalky minded, a test, which sounds boring but me and brucey won't be great help for the rest. finally we will be playing 5 a side basketball, any questions?"
"is the test teams or individual?" steve questioned
"teams, and the same person can't do 1 or 2 and the person who does 2 can't do 3... okay go do team huddles or whatever sports things you do"

sams pov

me, rosie, wanda, bucky and hope we're gathered around. "okay this is my first time of doing this, sam give me a rundown, first and second faster, and the strongest on each team"
"right thor's team, strongest is thor, fastest is carol with thor a close second"
"so thor will be doing the max lift?"
"i'd say so, with his and valkyries speed combined they'd have a good chance in the relay without carol"
"noted, team 2 id say peters the strongest and second fastest whereas steve's the fastest and second strongest, it will be a tossup for them" the rest of the team were mostly watching, slightly confused at mine and rosies conversation, me being competitive and her having a skill for problem solving meant we were thinking through the details "right, but i'm not sure they have a chance at the relay without steve"
"and there's no chance thor's not winning the max lift"
"meaning steve will do the max lift leaving peter for the solo race"
"bucky will be able to beat peter in a solo race, but will come second to carol"
"i'd say we risk third place in the solo race, don't like our chances without bucky in the relay"
"so you think wanda or hope in the relay"
"i can do the max lift, come second to thor and we will have the best chance at winning the relay"
"that would mean thor's team has a good chance of winning both 1 and 2"
"you don't think it's worth it to win 3"
"okay, so we stick bucky in the solo race and then what? lose the relay? can you out run valkyrie?"

hopes pov

at this point i wasn't sure if rosie or sam were aware of the rest of ours presence. we were simply watching a debate happen in front of us "i'll do my best" sam stated causing rosie to nod. "any chance you can outrun carol bucky?"
rosie asked turning to us for the first time since this huddle "i can definitely outrun peter"
"will you guys be upset if we don't win?" she asked cautiously
"no one will be upset if we don't win" i stated
"okay, few, slightly less pressure...anyway buckys doing the solo race, i'll do the max lift, hopefully we can get 2 second places under our belt"
"i think we have a good chance at basketball" sam stated
"oh yeah, i've got one hell of a jump" rosie stated "but we're all playing that anyway, time to focus on the relay"
"right so it's gonna be me, you, wanda and hope?"
"right, hope what's your average time to run a km (the size of each interval)"
"i can probably do it in 4 minutes"
"okay cool, sam your gonna start, gonna assume against valkyrie and nat , then we're gonna go to wanda who i think will be against clint and tony?"
"i'd say scott" i added
"right which leads us to hope against tony and bruce, hope from what you told me, this will be a great time to make up for any time lost, especially to thor's team, both of them will take 1 or 2 minutes longer than you, this leads us to me, thor and steve"
"i dont hate our chances" sam added optimistically.
"let's hope, because we're gonna hate risking bucky to lose, remember guys, this isn't about winning and it's just about having fun, don't be too mean to the other team and try not to let there words get you down" rosie finished smiling sincerely at us. we talked for a few more minutes before hearing a loud whistle, time for the games to begin.

this feels like a bad time for it to not be peter (wrong number)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon