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"Have many words have you done?" He asked

"Three thousand and two words, but then I still need to go and proof read everything, edit the designs of the pages, change a few things in my appendix and then go and focus on my group presentation. For that, I just have to put my information on the slides and put together the bibliography and references. It's not that much, I could probably get it done in an hour or so." Naomi explained

"Okay, you need anything?" He asked, watching her take a sip of water from her water bottle

"No I'm good, thank you" she smiled, beginning to type away at her laptop again

It had been two weeks since Naomi tested Theo's restraint when she was in her lingerie.

She was right about Elliot coming over to see her. Luckily, she got back to hers with around two minutes to spare before he came knocking. She had spent around twenty minutes trying to explain to Elliot several things. One, that she couldn't always be his wingwoman, she had her own life, but would help him when he was desperate. Two, that her and Theo were merely being nice to each other on bonfire night, there was nothing going on. He would definitely know by now if there was, a complete lie, but it was better than having to explain everything. And three, no he cannot just come over to raid her wardrobe's oversized graphic tees, which would fit him better, whenever he wanted to go out.

Currently Naomi was sat on Theo's bed doing uni work. Theo had told her to come over because she was always doing work, so she may as well just do it in his company, because he barley got to see her. Even if they weren't talking because she was busy, he liked being in her company.

Naomi originally said no because it's Theo. He would one hundred percent distract her. Even if he wasn't doing it intentionally, just him being there would distract her. Theo then told her that he had his own work to complete, so that made Naomi feel at ease and eventually caved, leading to her now being sat in Theo's company whilst she had actually gotten quite a lot of work done. She was surprised, but that was probably because they weren't both sat next to each other.

Glancing up from her laptop, to let her eyes take a break from the screen, she looked over at Theo sat at his desk. He was meant to be doing work, but instead he had his chair turned so it wasn't at the desk, but in the middle of the desk and his bed. He was on his phone typing away, until he stopped.

He was looking at her. She could always sense when he looked at her, but she kind of just ignored it when she hung out with him because it was a continuous feeling. But now the two of them were making eye contact for the first time in hours.

"What are you looking at?" She asked, feeling a bit insecure under his gaze

Naomi watched as Theo's eyes looked at her up and down slowly once more, letting his tongue poke out and lick his lips, as he finally responded to her. "What, I can't look at you?" He smirked

"No" she laughed, going back to her work. She knew he liked to stare, but when he did shit like that, it made her want him even more, but they were taking things slow. Something she regretted saying now because all she wanted was for Theo to be fucking her, but she'll just have to wait, unfortunately.

Seeing Naomi turn away from his gaze and get back to her work, Theo couldn't help but look at her. The way she was in her own world when she concentrated. How she pursed her lips when she was rereading a paragraph she had just written. The way she would scratch her eyebrow when she was trying to think of a synonym for a word and then eventually either asked him for one or suddenly came up with her own. The way she made her course seem easy and manageable, when she had essay after essay, then presentations, then the task of finding an internship and then group work. He couldn't even fault her when she said she was busy. And he was pretty sure Aimee told Ollie that without Naomi she would be failing, so it just showed how serious Naomi took things when it came to her future. He liked how serious she was about her academics. He couldn't deny it was low-key a turn on.

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