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"Crawford got red carded" Theo admitted as Naomi raised her eyebrows in surprise at his retelling of the match

"Crawford? As in Harry Crawford? What, why?" She asked, rolling onto her side as she steadied her phone ontop of her bedside table so that she didn't have to hold it in her hand on FaceTime anymore

Waiting for Naomi to finish repositioning her phone, Theo continued, "Yes, Harry Crawford. It was because the ref was being a dickhead and aggravating him. Apparently Crawford slept with his daughter or something like that and he was trying to get him kicked off all match"

"What the fuck? Like I get a dad gets protective of their daughter but fucking with a football match is messed up. What if there were scouts and important people there?"

"I know. Coach tried to step in but it got messy" Theo sighed, running a hand through his messy hair as Naomi frowned at the story

"I mean even though you guys didn't win, I'm still proud of you" Naomi attempted to make Theo feel better as he always did crumble when she told him that she was proud of him

"But, what did Harry say about all of this? Was this girl worth it?"

Huffing a sigh at the jumbled mess of a story Harry had recounted to him, Theo repeated it for Naomi's benefit, "Well, apparently they're getting to know each other still. He actually quite likes her. Basically from what I know they went on a date and everything then she invited him back to hers, but she lives at home and Crawford didn't realise, so as he was literally inside of her, her dad - the ref - came in to check if his daughter was okay, he found Crawford fucking his daughter and well...yeah you know the rest" Theo explained, shaking his head as he knew his boys always got into trouble and now understood why coach got irritated with them whenever it came to girls because it would just equal trouble for them

"Oh shit, well I hope her dad doesn't referee anymore of your games" Naomi tried to sympathise, but her attention was elsewhere as Mariam had just emailed her so she was attempting to multitask

"Anything new wth you?" He asked, wanting to keep her talking, as he noticed her itching her eyebrow, as she did whenever she was concentrating

"Umm, no" she answered, rereading the email about a new collection and the lineup of potential influencers on the PR list for the packages

"Baby come on, I wanna hear about your day" he playfully teased, wanting to know the ins and outs of her day so it felt like he was there with her when they weren't together

"I wasn't lying, nothings going on" she smiled, "I'm just writing up an email to Mariam about who she's chosen for to send the PR packages for the new spring collection"

"Well then tell me about that. I know you like to explain things further, especially when it comes to her choices with social media marketing"

Halting her fingers on the keys Naomi looked at Theo on the small square on her screen and blinked at him

"What?" He laughed as the only way he realised she wasn't frozen was through her profusely blinking

Opening her mouth to - actually she didn't even know what she wanted to say, she was just in shock that Theo really took notice of her in her previous rambles about her internship in the past, Naomi smiled as she said, "Nothing" and began to explain each individual Mariam had chosen for the PR packages, alongside which set in particular they got based on their individual feed or personality

Watching his girlfriend get so passionate about something, Theo couldn't help but be immersed by her and every little detail about her. From her eyes which would avoid his stare through the screen because she hated making eye contact with him when she was talking, but would catch his gaze every now and again and a smile would appear on her face alongside a little giggle. To her mouth which was moving a mile a minute, but did nothing to stop Theo taking in every bit of information she was telling him, because he couldn't help but stare at her plump lips which he wanted nothing more than to kiss because he missed her.

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