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I laid in bed, feeling sore over something, getting up I moved my arms and could feel the pain of healing. I looked down, at my arms, seeing dried blood. I reached back, feeling the pain of something healing still and as I pulled my hand back out I saw the fresh blood smearing across my fingers.

I ran my clean hand around my head, wondering how I got here. As it was I was in a bedroom that I sort of recognized, something from years ago. Something from the last time I lived in San Francisco. The last thing I could remember was going on a. Drive after dinner with my sons and Immy, and that ... other guy.

I couldn't even remember his name. "Immy!" I shouted hoping beyond anything that she wouldn't be here, but hoping that if she was we would get out. "Eli?" I called out again, hoping the same.

Nothing came, so I was relieved, then I got to the door, noticing as my eyes focused that it was just a really good painting against the wall. I took a few deep breaths, getting my eye sight to stop blurring because of whatever they gave me. Or hit me with.

I closed my eyes, inhaling, trying to find a good vent to try and catch a scent. I focused, trying to listen as well, but all I could smell was salt water, I could hear nothing else, and it was a deafening silence. I touched over the walls, getting to the end of the small part that did feel different.  I pushed on it, feeling it bend easily. I cursed and reared my hand back before pushing through the sheet metal and getting my hand all messed up but finding a big enough vent for me to see through. I saw some wires, as well as light. It was letting in more air, and I could smell something else, it was a familiar scent but I had no idea why it was familiar.

I groaned and pushed me way deeper into he sheet metal, making me bleed some more, and I didn't care. I got the wall broke down enough for me to force my body through the walls, and as I got out... all I saw was the sea. I wasn't sure where I was, East Coast, West Coast, England... my head hurt, I was healing and as I looked back, I saw that I had been in a metal box, the boards that I had felt were probably ply would very well decorated. I got to the end of the dock and looked back up, seeing some signs, some old fashioned boats, and as I got close to humans I heard an accent.

"Sorry, I think I am all turned around, which way to New Orleans?" I asked the men and they started to tell me that we weren't that far, we weren't more than 20 miles from the famous French quarter. "thanks."

As soon I was out of sight from the men I started to speed through he darkness, I was getting close, I could find some one I knew, maybe Zanders place. It took me two minutes speeding around to find a blood club. I got inside, found someone I knew, and they took me down into the basement, he told me that Zander was actually in town with his mate, that they were at a bar he owned and then the man gave me a tunnel map that looked like it was a Disneyland ride outline.

The kid had traced it like I was a mouse looking for cheese and he told me if I got lost there would be some signs on the wall and that the tunnels had names. Zander had lost some people so he had taken precautions about it. I sped through them, clam down each moment I was going the right way. I pushed open the door I saw was marked with the same name of the bar, and as I pushed it, it opened up behind a bar.

"Hi, can I help you?" I heard someone behind me and I turned and smiled at the guy.

"Here for Zander-"

"You're Jesse?" He asked me and I nodded. He looked up and down and I returned the look. He was wearing long pants but his foot was still bare... or rather his lack of foot was bare. There was just a peg leg.

"And you are?" I asked as he noticed me looking too long at it and he did a jig to get my attention back up to his face.

"Brian." He held out his hand and I shook it. "He's in the back, lurking." He told me and nodded to something behind me, as I turned I saw him leaning forward in a booth and I nodded before heading to him. I had seen him a few months ago in Texas, he had a mate, well, someone he was hoping to make his mate and I smiled as I got closer thinking about the lovely Vivian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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