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I knew deep down inside something was off. I took the long way home. down alley ways, over building tops. Being a bit extra and careful. I strolled slowly so if anyone wanted to hurt me they would have their chance, but as I got to my building I started to smell blood.

Lots of it.

I took the front entrance, not seeing the new guy working the doors like he should. So hard to hire good help.

I got to my private elevator and put my thumb on the scanner before it even moved to come get me. I waited and waited and when it dinged and opened I stopped breathing.

"Eli." I whispered before rushing to him. His neck was almost torn apart, his eyes glazed over, everything he was wearing was torn and soaked in his blood.

"Hey dad. Long time no see." He didn't sound normal either, he was in pain. I hit the button going up and moved to get him cleaned a bit as soon as we were in the penthouse. I got bags of freshest blood I had before running back to him.

"You're healing." I muttered once he started to drink. He coughed here and there but as I watched over him for the next 3 hours as he healed and slept, I forgot what I had come here for.

"Do I still look as handsome?" I heard his voice echo when I started to relax.

"You look like me, of course you're handsome. Scars and all." I laughed lightly and picked my head up as he started to move. "What happened?"

"I was walking home from a rave in California. I had fed off guys who were doing the date rape drugs there. Low life's. And then I felt a small prick near my neck, like a needle." He reaches back and rubbed where it must have struck and he worked his neck around to crack it.

"Then what?" I asked softly and he sighed.

"I woke up in a room with 3 wolves. A bunch of people all around, some humans some not. They wanted me to fight the wolves. And since the wolves wanted to kill me anyways, it was to survive. One of them got a good bite out of me. Next thing I know, another dart to the neck and I wake up in Ohio. Two blocks away from this place." He told him and moved to stand.

"That's it? You have no idea who took you? Who the wolves were?" I asked and he shook his head. "Did they just leave you to die?" I saw his eyes glaze over and he shook his head.

"I remember a voice when I was being left in the alley. They said dead or alive he would eventually find me." Eli looked at me and gulped. "Luke is in England. Last I heard of mom she was in Egypt. You're the only one who would have found me." They left him in my city just for me to find. Now I need to find out who I'm gonna kill for hurting one of my boys.

I heard a buzz and Eli tensed. I walked over to the intercom and saw Lina, tears streaming down her face and I looked around for any sign of blood.

"Uncle Jesse, let me in." She begged and I was already putting in the passcode. She would be up in a matter of minutes and I zoomed around the room and cleaned up.

"Go get some clean stuff from my room." I pushed Eli from the room and he nodded, shedding his shirt and padded his way to my room.

"She's so mean." I heard Lina cry as soon as she was in the room.

"What did your mom do now?" I knew Aaron probably didn't do anything really wrong, just simple mother daughter issues.

"She wants me to go to that stupid thing the Princess has to have to find her mate every year." She wiped her face and I sighed and gave her a hug.

"She just wants you happy." I told her and she huffed.

"Her and dad were happy apart and together. Why do I have to find my mate as soon as I turn 18?" She pushed away and sat on the couch.

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