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I got to cooking, halfway through putting it in the oven the front doors opened and a squeal that could only be Imogene's almost cry rang through the whole house before I heard things upstairs falling over and a door slam.

"Boys!" I shouted loud and clear and moved to take off the apron as fast as possible as they came into the kitchen with a man, who I could only assume was Eli's boss behind them with a scratch on his face.

"He upset mother." Luke pointed at him and I sighed.

"Do I even want to know how?" I ground out looking at the man like he was nothing more than scum under my boot.

"Your wife came onto me. I don't date married women." The anger on my boys faces made me angry and I stepped closer to the man still slightly bleeding.

"And what exactly were your words to my wife?" I clenched my jaw, and put my hands to my sides.

"I told her that she shouldn't step outside her marriage. That it those who do are disgusting and not worthy of the title of wife or husband." He told me and before I could react I felt Eli grab my shoulder and pull me back.

"I'm gay. My wife loves me for who we've been for century's. We have been friends and we always will. Were married in name only. Never saw the point in getting a divorce. My wife needs an apology." I told him before looking to my sons. "Keep an eye on the meal. I will go see to my wife." I gave Mr. McCoy a look before I went upstairs slowly, getting mild sobs getting louder as I got closer to her door and knocked before just opening the door.

She was never the kind to be in bed crying, nope, she was huddled in the corner, tissues in her lap, mascara all over her cheeks with a blanket around her.

"Always the floor." I muttered before getting down beside her.

"He basically called me a whore." She whispered when I pulled her to lean on me.

"I explained and told him I expected an apology for you when we return." I kissed the side of her head before she sniffled again.

"I don't wish to speak to a man who thinks I'm a whore Jesse. We can ask for his help but I will not speak with him." She told me and I just nodded slowly and sighed.

"Let him apologize and you don't have to say another thing to him." I told her and she sighed but nodded.

"I'll clean up and meet you downstairs." She told me as I helped her up and she headed towards the bathroom.

I went back downstairs and noticed Jr in the kitchen on his phone while Eli and his boss were outside talking on the patio.

"He asked for a more detailed explanation." He told me when he noticed I was alone.

"Does he really need more?" I asked and shook my head and Jr sort of smiled. "What?"

"You tell a man your gay and that your wife is only in name after she basically came onto him, got shot down, and cried the whole way home. He might need to know how to navigate this family." He said and turned off his phone as it started ringing and he started to look pissed.

"Talk about high moral code." I shook my head as I turned back to the dinner cooking without proper supervision and Luke cleared his throat. "What?"

"Did Eli tell you about what he does for that man?" I could see it in his eyes that Jr. knew so I simply nodded. "How high of a moral code could he have if he still kills people?"

"Some people think that if you imprison the bad guys you only turn them worse. You remember what it was like when you were still human. One mistake and you're dead. He's older than us. He probably would condone stoning." I scoffed and shook my head before focusing on the food once more.

"And Eli? He's an killer." He seemed confused of the dynamics not the fact that his brother is a killer.

"More like hires gun." I offered out and shrugged when Eli gave me a look.

"Even I remember thou shall not kill." He told me and I nodded.

"Yes but as I recall from my many years of bible reading as a child, a man, a married man and father... there's nothing against laying with children but we all know it's wrong. Just like forcing a man or woman into sexual acts is wrong but marital rape wasn't a thing until recently." I told Jr and he nodded and started to space out as if he was thinking.

"What if this is all his doing?" He asked me on a hushed tone and I looked from him to the two men outside and realized that Eli was completely relaxed around his boss, almost as if they were friends.

"If Eli suspected anything he would have never told us about his work. We have to trust someone for help or we'll be sitting ducks forever." I told JR and he leaned back and watched over his brother until we heard the clack of heels approach.

"Mother what are you wearing?" Jr shouted and I saw him cover his face and I looked over to Imogene and saw her in a robe, which was opened so you could see what I knew to be a bikini but looked more like bedroom attire.

"What? I thought going for a swim would make me feel better." She told him and I heard the door behind me open and she shot me a look and I just gave her a subtle wink.

"I think it's time for that apology Mr. McCoy." I announced and I saw my wife open the fridge and freezer. Getting everything nice and cold before getting her lemonade and walking towards the man who couldn't stop himself from looking her up and down.

"Mum..." Eli closed his eyes hard and looked up as she continued her advance.

"Mrs. Ral-"

"How about you call me Imogene since you clearly don't think I'm good enough to be a married woman." She clicked her tongue and looked back at me.


"No...  now you sound like you know me... huh. Imagine that a man thinking they know everything about a woman even in the first couple minutes of being in their presence. Men are all the same. Even my boys. Such a shame." She looked back at me and shook her head.

"Going to the pool love?" I asked her and she nodded. "Shall send someone when dinner is ready?" I asked as she turned and headed for the door.

"Bring yourself husband. Who knows what a married harlot like me would do." She rolled her eyes and for a moment I was pissed she didn't let him apologize like I had wanted him to, but this wasn't about what he said to me. She handled it exactly how she wanted.

And by the smell of the room, there was a very turned on man. And two very grossed out sons.

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