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I smiled wide as I heard Immie singing in the kitchen.  She was the best baker in the world, at least to me.

I wiped my face of my blood bag before walking into the kitchen from my basement. She was there, at the counter, in a new apron, rolling out dough and singing her heart out to some kind of pop tune.

"You're so obvious." She accused as she turned to me and I sent her a smile.

"I wasn't trying to sneak Immie. Just listening to you sing again." I told her and she blushed and looked down at the dough.

"Making everyone's favorite. Cinnamon rolls." I felt my stomach hallow out at the mention and I had to wipe my mouth for a whole different reason. "Eli and Jr are finishing up the grocery shopping. I am baking the man something nice... what are you going to make for our dinner?"

"Thinking something like beef Wellington or-"

"I can make the case-"

"That is what I was going to ask you about. I should get started on the other things though. We have about five hours before he's set to even board a plane here." I pushed up the sleeves of my sweater and she smiled at me slightly. "What?"

"Do you ever miss how simple it was for us as humans?" She asked and I knew... she's told me, how she thinks the vampire turning actually made me more gay and not just bisexual. She always thought, when we were kids and teens, that I would check men out more than women. And with the turning she thinks that my attraction to the same sex was just over amplified and it won out over me being attracted to her.

"Yes. I do. I miss watching the boys reach accomplishments. I wish they hadn't of turned. We could have seen them married and kids, and grandkids." I shrugged and sighed before going to sit on a stool for the island opposite her.

"Ever miss me?" She asked softly and I sent her one of the old smiles, one she would have never been able to say no to, or yell at.

"I miss you in almost every way Immie. I miss my best friend. The one person who loved me despite knowing what I was.  The one person who accepted me for everything." I saw her nod slowly and I got her attention, keeping eye contact. "You know you're the only woman who I have ever loved and made love to. You ruined me for all other women so I had to choose men."

That got her to laugh just a bit too hard, and I knew when she did that she was a couple chuckles from crying, so I got up, still sending her that killer smile and took her hands in mine.

"Do you remember our wedding dance?" I asked and took her in my arms, swaying from left to right and spinning her, moving back and we started to do every single step right.

I could still see her in her flat white dress, the slight pink color added to her cheeks and lips. Her father and mother had joined sooner than they were supposed to, but I was too in love with the idea of finally being hers forever to care about it.

"What are you doing?" I looked over to see Jr. walking in with two bags, setting them on the island before crossing his arms at us.

"Dancing." I told him before giving Immies temple a kiss. I moved to leave the room but Jr simply followed me.

"Dad, we need to talk-"

"I don't want to talk Luke." I realized that while my brain and others called him Jr, I still couldn't call him that out loud.

"We have to dad."

"Stop calling me that. You've been calling me Father for half a century you can do it for the rest of my life... or yours. In fact do it for who ever dies last." I told him but he grabbed my hand, sunk to his knees and bowed his head.

"Forgive me father for I have committed my own sins against you. I have turned my back on you. I have hurt you with my words, and worst of all I have forsaken you as a parent and I know how wrong it is now. I know there is no one I can trust more than my family. I wish for your forgiveness." He begged, keeping his head down and his words were so full of emotions I knew this was no joke.

"Get up." I ordered and he let my hand go as he did push himself back up slowly. "You want forgiveness?" I asked again and he nodded. "Tell me why."

"Because you are my family and I need-"

"Because I'm family and not because you were wrong. Forgiveness will not be given. Just like respect it has to be earned. And you have a lot more than an apology to do before you're anywhere close to being done." I told him before turning and trying to leave, but I paused and I turned back to see him standing in the same place. "Start with trying to be a good big brother." I advised because I knew deep down Eli might want to keep his huge secret between me and his mother, but with his boss coming around, everyone was sure to find out everything. And he would need a confidant more than parents.

I left the house, knowing I made plans to cook I didn't go far, just to Aaron's house to invite them to dinner.

Lina was the first to agree before Air and Greyson both nodded to me.

"Good. See you there. Maybe around 6:30?" I offered and Air nodded before moving to walk me out.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Why do you think there is something wrong?" I asked and she gave me a 'don't pull that' look before crossing her arms and tapping her foot. "Jr wants my forgiveness and he doesn't deserve it." I told her and her face softened and she moved in to hug me tight.

"Everyone needs forgiveness. Maybe not for him, but your self." She told me and I always thought it was bullshit, I can simply move on, like I had been with my life, and not think about him.

"How did you even know something was wrong?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Because you came here Jess. If you were having a good time... you would have just called or even texted."

"Why do you know everything?" I sighed and shook my head turning to a window in her house and she moved to hug my side.

"Because you're my family Jess, and I've known you for a long time now. I know you." She told me and I shook my head against and she leaned in, hugging me harder. "You would know if something wasn't right with me too." She added and I knew that was true.

"So, any plans on your own kids?" I asked her and she looked shocked.

"I'm not a full vampire Jesse. Tino can't help me." She shrugged and I put my arm around her this time.

"There was a time you and Greyson both didn't want kids. And then Lina and Lukas had nowhere else to go. You and I both know you're excellent parents. And you'll live forever." I told her and kissed her temple and sighed. "Who knows how long it's going to take Lina to come back to Eli... might be decades." I muttered and shook my head. "I need a baby to play with Air. Honestly. The last baby I held was Jack Titans youngest, and he's 6 now."

"I miss the triplets being small. They're 11 now and I feel so old." She sighed and I smiled.

"Have a baby it'll make you feel young again." I rubbed her arm and she gave a laugh.

"Or even older if it seems I can't keep up with it." She leaned into me and I smiled.

"You're a vampire... and a wolf. You can do anything."

After another ten minutes Lukas and Greyson we're back, I extended the invite yet again before heading back to the estate. I walked in the doors and heard nothing. No singing, not talking, not even a light sizzle indicating a fire was lit.

I got to the kitchen and saw a note, Eli's boss landed early and they were going to collect him from the airport using my Escalade. Great.

A text would have been good. Now I had to rush to get things cooking. This man better actually help.

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