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"Jesse! Buzz me up." I heard Aaron's voice through the intercom of the penthouse.

"Can't right now Aaron." I muttered and splashed some rubbing alcohol on Lukas' hands and all over his back where someone or some wolf clawed him up badly.

"Get that annoying woman to stop ringing that goddamn bell dad before I bite into her as a juice pack." He hissed and I threw a towel at him.

"You do that and you'll be out of this house as fast as I let you in it." I spat at him before rushing to get the buzzer. "Aaron it's really not a good time. Go home." I told her and because I knew she wouldn't leave it, I paused.

"Ha! Someone just opened the door I'm on my way up!" She shouted through before I saw the elevator rising. I waited and simply glared as the doors slowly started to open and not only was it her but Greyson, Lina and their son Lukas.

"Now is not a good time." I told her and Greyson growled lightly and I narrowed my eyes on him. "You come in my home and growl?"

"Jesse we came to..." Aaron started but her eyes started to take on a red hue and I worked my jaw.

"Whose bleeding out up here?" Greyson asked, his eyes not turning as red as Aaron's and she gulped.

"Eli?" Lina asked and moved to take steps forward and towards where I knew Eli and Lukas were.

"No." I started to move in front of her and shook my head. "You four need to leave." I said and worked my jaw but I saw Aaron glare back at me.

"Who is up here?" She asked and was in front of me in a second with her arms crossed.

"His son. Now leave! His home is just that. His. And I know my father has asked you to go." I heard Lukas and turned to see him trying to walk as regal as possible.

"You better mind your tongue boy. Go back into that room and clean yourself better." I stepped up and gave him a look he used to worry about getting if he ever messed up.

"Get then to leave father, before I make them." He threatened and I grabbed his throat, putting pressure on his wound.

"Dad..." I heard Eli but I cut him a look and he sighed.

"You listen to me Jr. I have helped you more in the past couple minutes than you should have ever been helped. I have kept you alive more times than I could keep track of. And I sure as hell would have attended your funeral before willingly seeing you again. You either do as your told or you get out and let the people who started the job finish it." I let him go, let him cower for a bit before turning to my family I had made.  "That is why I wanted you to leave." I sighed and I saw Eli shaking his head.

"Always fun to be around." His dry humor hit hard before he turned and moved to the elevator.  "I'll be back." He tossed out as the elevator doors opened and I saw Lina look at her parents before rushing to catch the doors before they closed.

Greyson watched confusion in his expression but then Aaron's head tilted just a bit and he started to growl.

"Did you say Jr?" Aaron asked me and I nodded. 

"Jesse Lukas Ralston Jr." I looked over my shoulder to my son still leaning on the wall for help and I looked towards her again. "He's not great company." I told her and she sighed.

"Now all you're missing is the wife." Greyson smirked and I shot him a look.

"She'll be along shortly." Jr said behind me and pushed off the wall.

"What does that mean?" I asked him and he took a moment before sighing.

"That's what they told me as they nailed me to the car." He said and I waited for exact words. "They said that you have your sons and the little wife would join the family next." Jr repeated and I shook my head.

"Where is your wife?" Greyson was getting some kind of sick pleasure in saying those words and I just sighed.

"Last I heard Egypt." I looked back to Lukas and he nodded as well.

"She contacted me asking for money to get out of some deal." He told me and I signed. Imogene needed no money, she just simply wanted to hear from her son.

"Do you still want us to leave Uncle Jesse?" I heard Lukas ask me and I turned to him and shook my head.

"Wait here for Lina. I am going to finish cleaning him up." I turned and pointed at my son to get up and back away. "You guys know where everything is." I called out as I went to get a blood bag for Lukas.

"Who are they to talk to you and I like that?" He asked me as we got back to my room.

"The first ever hybrids, my best friend and her mate. He is an ex enforcer, one of the best... and she is a teacher. Don't push your luck while you're still healing Luke." I tossed a bag at him as he wiped blood from his neck.

"Why do you let wolves into your life? They're mongrels." He stat and I sighed.

"You once thought that about people of color and other races. You think that about me. So why do you care who I associate with?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"I don't have issues with who you are father... I have issues about how you go about it." He told me and shook his head. "This is just going to be the same run around as last time."

"I hid who I was and what I wanted to be for most of my life. I shouldn't have to hide it to please my son or his ruler." I stated and fixed my shoulders before heading into my closet for yet another set of clothes going to my kids.

"What's Eli doing with that mutt anyways?" He asked as I tossed a clean suit at him.

"You're brother has found a mate. A wolf mate." I told him and walked out of the room letting him process that.

"Jesse?" I heard Aaron call and I walked into the room they were all sitting in and I moved to sit opposite.

"Ask away." I told the three in front of me and Greyson still seemed confused.

"You were straight?" He asked and I sighed.

"When I grew up there wasn't any gay people, and if there were they hid it as if their life depended on it because it did. I loved my best friend Imogene and we were already set to be married. So we did. I loved her as a woman and my wife and later the mother of my children. But I was never in love with her. Or her with me. When I changed to what I am... underlying urges I had suppressed for years surfaced. And I kept them at bay for 250 years until my wife could no longer take being married to... she said a different man."

"You sure acted like a different man."  I heard Eli and I looked over at him and Lina as they walked in. Holding hands.

Jesse [on hold]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα