The Office

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A/N AU where Bruce got his boys when they were much younger.

Requested by a user who has asked to remain nameless. I hope you enjoy ;D

Dick - 8

Jason - 6

Tim - 3

Damian - 14 months


Never in a million years could Bruce have seen this coming. Alfred had told him, of course, that he would eventually grow tired of the nightlife and parties and settle down, but Bruce hadn't expected that to happen for a few more years. Or at least until he'd gotten married.

But life had had other plans. He'd found Dick and then Jason and finally Tim, and they had changed his whole world. And when he'd found Damian, his biological son, on his doorstep, their little family was complete.

He had gone from Gotham's playboy to Doting Daddy. And he loved it. But to be fair, his boys made it easy to love them.

The hard part was balancing running Wayne Enterprises during the day, protecting Gotham City at night, and still spending time with his sons. He often found himself having to choose between playing with his boys and sleep. More often than not, the boys won.


Today the boys had Bruce all to themselves. The sun was shining over the city, making it a perfect day to spend the day in the park.

Damian gurgled happily between spoonfuls of his breakfast as Bruce wiped smudges from his round cheeks. He glanced over to his older boys. Dick and Jason were stealing food from each other's plates while Tim watched with amusement.

"Call for you, Master Bruce," Alfred reported from the doorway. "It sounded important."

"Dick, come feed your brother." Bruce called as he left to take answer the phone. Dick bounded over from his seat to kneel in his father's chair so he could reach Damian's highchair. "Open up Dami." Dick said cheerily, holding the tiny spoon of oatmeal up to the baby's face. Damian merely blew a raspberry at his big brother.

"Problem Master Bruce?" Alfred asked as he noticed his oldest charge returning, looking less happy than when he'd left moments before. "Tabitha Desmond." Bruce sighed. "She demanded to move her meeting to this afternoon, and she refuses to meet with 'my corporate lackeys'. I need to go into the office."

"But what about Daddy Son Fun Day?" Dick asked. Bruce winced. He had hoped the boys weren't paying attention, but by the disappointed frowns on their faces, it was clear they'd heard every word. Even Damian, who was far too young to understand, was pouting at him.

Bruce scratched the back of his neck for a second before an idea came to him. "How would you boys like to come to work with Daddy?" The boys' faces brightened. It may not have been the fun they'd had in mind, but it could still be pretty good.

"Are you sure this is a wise plan, sir?" Alfred asked once the other boys had all run off to get ready. "A place of business may not be the best place for four boys under ten years of age to spend the day."

"I know, but I hate to see them upset." Bruce said, lifting Damian from his chair. "Besides, they'll be with me the whole time. What's the worst that could happen?"


"Take it in boys," Bruce said proudly as they entered the lobby of Wayne Enterprises. "Your inheritance." The boys looked around with awe. They'd never been to the office before and were excited to see where Bruce spent so much time.

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