A Daddy/Daughter Dance

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Stephanie Brown prided herself on being a tough, self-assured, independent young woman. She had to be, growing up in one of Gotham's rougher neighbors with a single mom. But if anyone asked, she would always say she liked it better that way. Just her and her Mom taking on the world.

As she grew up, she eventually made close ties with the Wayne boys and, to everyone's amazement, found two best girlfriends in Cassandra and Barbara. While it was far from perfect, Stephanie did truly love her life. This knowledge, however, did little to curb her discomfort with the current topic of conversation.

The three former Batgirls typically had long, rambling talks about whatever came to mind at lunch, but today was different. The normally quiet Cass was practically bouncing in her seat as she gushed about the upcoming school dance.

All the girls had attended one or more of these events before, but this was special. In an effort to encourage parental involvement (and monetary donations), Gotham Academy was hosting a father-daughter dance.

Cass had been all but dancing when she had handed Bruce the invitation, and the smile on his little girl's face was the only persuasion the man had needed. "Baba brought home my dress." Cass was gushing. "He says we will go for dinner after."

"My Dad made me that offer, too." Barbara laughed. "I told him I'd be just as happy with a movie on the couch, but he's insisting. Making up for the long nights he's been working."

"We can go to-gether!" Cass exclaimed excitedly. "It's a date." Barbara winked. Suddenly, Stephanie pushed back from the table, scooping up the remainder of her lunch as she stood. "Hey, where are you going?" Barbara called after her, but Steph didn't answer.

She couldn't listen to them talk about this stupid dance for the rest of the period. Especially since she wouldn't be going.


Crystal Brown had been more than a little surprised to find her daughter on the couch when she got home.

The girl went home with the Wayne children so often, and while Crystal was glad Stephanie had such good friends, she did occasionally wonder if she was trying to get away from her. Still, as long as Stephanie came home at night, Crystal supposed she wasn't completely failing as a mother.

The uncomfortable silence of dinner was interrupted by the buzzing of Stephanie's phone. "That's 3 texts in as many minutes, Little Miss Popular." Her mother smirked. "Anything you're missing out on?"

"Just Cass." She shrugged, shoving the phone aside. "Well, I appreciate you working me into your busy schedule." Crystal smiled.

Stephanie did her best to eat, but her thoughts were clawing at her, refusing to be ignored. "How did you and Dad meet?" Steph blurted out. Crystal stopped mid-chew.

Stephanie had been around 6 when her father had left them, although the girl had barely noticed at the time. She had been too enamored by her new scholarship to Gotham Prep.

By the time the divorce was finalized, Stephanie was used to her Dad not being around. And with every year that passed without either of them broaching the subject, Crystal had assumed her daughter simply didn't care. But now Stephanie had proved her wrong.

"Where is- ahem- where is this coming from?" She asked, trying to stall her answer. Stephanie shrugged as she pushed her food around her plate. "Well," her mother breathed.

"We ran into each other; well, I ran into him on my first day working in the hospital. I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought. I was always bumping into people. But he was waiting by the door when my shift ended. Gave me this corny line about wanting a private consultation with the doctor."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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