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As the Wayne Family grew, vacations became somewhat harder to manage. Dick and Jason were getting to ages where they would rather go out with friends. Damian had never been one for bonding. Even Tim was going through an antisocial phase where he locked himself in his room for hours at a time.

Meanwhile, Bruce couldn't fathom the idea of leaving Gotham unprotected even if he had Batgirl and Spoiler looking after things. Yet somehow, here they all were, Alfred guiding the car down a dirt road toward the old family summer home.

The boys all spilled out of the vehicle as soon as it came to a stop. They'd been sitting for hours and needed to stretch their legs. Alfred had all of the bags lined up by the door, ready to head inside, but first, he wanted to ensure he had everyone's attention.

"While I understand you are all looking forward to some good-natured frivolity, I must insist you employ some sense as well. I truly hope that this family can have one visit to this lodge without accusing the elderly of witchcraft or committing arson."

Bruce, Dick, and Jason all tried to feign innocent ignorance as they headed inside.


After a long argument over who would be bunking with who (Wayne Lodge only had four bedrooms and Bruce easily had the biggest family the place had housed in over a century), the boys decided a relaxing swim was in order.

The lakeshore was relatively empty, although this was expected since they'd come at the end of the summer season. After a few swim races and rounds of water wrestling, the boys found themselves rather bored.

"I knew this vacation would be a waste of time." Damian grumbled, pulling out his phone to check if he finally had service again. "Aw come on, Dami, where's your sense of fun?" Dick grinned, nudging Jay and Tim to back him up.

"I think mine melted." Jason griped as he slumped down to lie in the shade of the oldest brother's shadow. Jay did have a point though. It was unusually hot for the time of year, and they were all sweating bullets. "I vote we go back inside, blast the AC and watch TV." Tim reasoned.

"We could do that in Gotham." Dick whined. There had to be something fun they could do together. As he looked around the open space, Dick's eyes caught the tree line, and he had an idea.

"Let's go look for sasquatch." He suggested with glee, to which his brothers all groaned. "You want me to drag my ass through the woods looking for a half-human-bear thing?" Jason asked incredulously. "The heat seems to have rendered his brain more useless than usual." Damian muttered.

"Come on Dick, Bigfoot is a myth." Tim sighed. "That's what people said about Batman." Dick smiled, unfazed by their unenthusiasm. The three younger boys didn't look up, and Dick sighed. It looked like he'd have to break out his secret weapon.

"Pwease?" The oldest boy whined, giving them his best puppy dog eyes and jutting out his bottom lip. Even though he was the oldest, Dick knew how to play cute when he wanted to.

He could tell his brothers were teetering, on the edge of giving in. They just needed a little push. "Ya know it's much cooler in the shade of the trees." He told them, and the three boys all but raced to the tree line.


The shade did seem to put them all in better moods. Soon they were climbing trees and bird watching (Damian trying to catch robins to keep as pets). They had almost forgotten the main reason for their quest until they heard a rushing in the bushes.

"Bigfoot? Is that you?" Jason called only half-joking. Tim inched closer to the sound, pushing the foliage away slowly. Suddenly he let out a yelp and jumped back, clutching his hand.

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