Just Babysitting

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"Aw come on Bruce. This is so unfair." Jason whined. Not only was he grounded on a rare school-night patrol now he had to babysit his little brothers? "You're always saying I'm irresponsible. Why can't Babs or Dickhead do it?"

"Dick and Barbara are on a date," Bruce told his son as he restocked his utility belt. "And before you ask, Alfred is taking a well-deserved night off." Jason groaned as his Father pulled on his cowl.

"Think of this as a chance to prove yourself." Bruce grinned facetiously. "I want Damian in bed by 10, Tim by 10:30, and you by 11 young man." "Got it old man." Jason smirked as Batman drove off.


Jason lay on his bed, shooting nerf gun bullets at the ceiling. This blew. He was so desperate for something to do he was just about ready to ask his brothers to play with him when he felt something buzz beside him. His phone. Someone calling him.

"What?" He groaned as he answered. "Yo, Dude, you coming or what?" A half-stoned voice asked. Jason grinned on the other side of the line. He'd forgotten about the no-holds-bar party some senior was throwing tonight.

It was going to be all anyone would be talking about in school tomorrow, and if Jason cared about his social standing, which he did, he had to go to this party. It would be easy. Out the window, borrow Dick's motorcycle, be the life of the party and be home before Bruce.

Just as he was about to tell his buddy to save him a pretty girl when his bedroom door burst open. "Jason, we're bored." Tim whined as he and Damian climbed upon his bed. Danmit, he'd forgotten about his brothers.

"Looks like someone's stuck babysitting." The voice on the other side of the phone laughed. "Shut up. I'll be there." Jason snapped and hung up. "How exactly do you plan to sneak off to whatever nonsensical event when Father has you watching us?" Damian asked smugly.

"Look, you guys will get it when you're in high school, but this is a big deal." Jason explained as he got up and started rummaging through his closet for an outfit. "Bruce is gonna kill you." Tim warned. Jason ran a hand through his hair.

If Bruce came back and found the two youngest boys home alone, he would grill them for answers. Tim might play dumb, but The Little Demond would be a willing tattle tale. There was only one real way to ensure neither of them squealed.

"Go get your coats and shoes." Jason ordered.


Damian gripped the whole drive long about how they were going to get caught and how he refused to take any of the blame when their Father interrogated them. The party was in full swing as Jason parked Bruce's Porsche around the corner from the house.

It was really a typical party. Loud music, flashing lights. Some people were dancing, some were talking over the noise, and everyone was drunk, high, or both. "Sit here and don't move," Jason told his brothers as he sat them down in a quiet-ish corner of the main room.

"I just need to make sure people see me here, then we can leave. Don't talk to anyone, and don't eat or drink anything unless I give it to you." With those words, Jason disappeared into the chaos.

The two younger boys didn't really expect anything to happen. It wasn't as if they knew anyone here other than their irresponsible brother. They passed the time people watching and speculating what kind of trouble the various guests would be in/ get into before the night was over.

"Hey, look at duh little guys." A buff blonde slurred as he staggered over to their corner. "Are chu lil elves real or a I just wasted?" The boys wrinkled their noses. They could smell the alcohol on his breath and clothes from where they sat.

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