A Night of Cats and Kittens

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Whether his sons liked it or not, Bruce when on dates from time to time. Some were just for appearances, while others had a genuine attraction. Some women were one-time occurrences, while others made multiple appearances.

Whatever the case, the Wayne boys were used to seeing well-dressed women waiting in the foyer for their Father. This didn't, however, offer Damian much comfort as he spotted Alfred taking her coat. "So you're the wench who Father plans to escort tonight?" He asked haughtily once Pennyworth was out of earshot.

The black-haired woman nodded sweetly, ignoring his insult. "Well, seeing as he hasn't even returned home yet, he must have determined you are not worth his time." The boy told her with an overly smug smirk. "You'd best be going before you get snowed in."

"Damian!" Dick scolded as he came in. "That is not how we speak to a guest, especially not a lady." Damian only pouted as Dick hoisted him onto his hip. "Sorry Selina. He's in one of his moods." The older boy apologized.

Of all the women Bruce had gone out with, Selina Kyle was Dick's unrivaled favorite. On top of the fact that she made Bruce genuinely happy, Selina had won their respect on the streets of Gotham as Catwoman and had proven herself a trusted ally.

Damian knew all this, but he didn't care. He didn't like any woman who dared to breach their base or who thought for a second that she could become his new mother.

Damian had, however, been correct when he had said Bruce wasn't home, and figuring his Father would be a while with the quickly falling snow, Dick led Selina to the living room where the rest of the family was enjoying a quiet evening.

"Hell-lo." Jason crooned upon their entrance. "Ya know, if Bruce is standing you up, I can stand in on your date." Selina smiled at him as she took a seat on the couch.

"You're a bit young for me, sweetie. Besides," She turned to where Damian was sitting at Dick's feet drawing and smiled. "It's not a date. We're just going to catch up over drinks." Damian just scowled at her before turning back to his sketchbook. She wouldn't dissuade his skepticisms that easily.

"Well, since you're here, why don't we find a way to pass the time till Bruce comes home?" Dick suggested. Selina redirected her smile at the oldest boy. "That sounds wonderful. What do you boys wanna do?"

"We could play video games." Jay grinned, waving a controller. "Oh please," Tim scoffed. "I'm sure Selina would rather do something tasteful." "Like what? Play chess?" Jason rolled his eyes. "Honestly, could you be more lame and boring?"

Selina stepped between the two boys as they tried to burn holes into each other with their glares. "I bet I could make both suggestions interesting."


Jason let out an aggravated groan as Selina destroyed him with a triple combo. "No fair! You never said you were any good." Selina tried not to look as smug as she felt.

"Sweetie, this was not my first rodeo. I'm a woman of many abilities." She sighed as she turned to the chessboard and accepted her checkmate. "Unfortunately, I seem to be a bit lacking in chess."

"Don't be too hard on yourself." Dick grinned. "You were dividing your attention, and Timmy here is a genius." Tim blushed at the compliment. "You lasted longer than most people do."

As the older boys began discussing ways to incorporate more games into the mix, Selina glanced across the room to where Damian was still curled up in the corner, hunched over his sketchbook.

She silently made her over to him and watched him draw for a while. Her eyes filled with awe as she marveled at the boy's skill. Damian had drawn the scene of all of them in the living room in such photographic detail. No wonder he had seemed so focused the last hour. "Did you draw this all just now?"

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