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The Wayne family's nighttime activities were not for the faint of heart. They saw things that would give grown people nightmares on a nightly basis. And, despite their best efforts, some nights, they got hurt.

While most of the injuries were just bruises, the entire family had scars that would never fully heal. But part of leading a double life was knowing how to hide these scars. The boys were all careful. But unfortunately, they couldn't always predict what would happen.


Jason swaggered into the boy's locker room with the satisfaction of having crushed his classmates. Gym was always an easy class for him, and he cherished the opportunity to show off.

Jason let his body relax as he stepped into the locker room shower. The school day was over, he had finished his homework early for once, and he was ready to go home and lie on the couch till dinner.

The bell signaling the end of the school day rang just as Jason wrapped a towel around this waist. He reached for his clothes that he left hanging on a hook just outside the shower, but they were gone. From just beyond the curtain, he could hear the classmates he had just dominated laughing as they ran out, presumably with his clothes.

"Damn it." He muttered as he slunk over to his locker. He texted Dick the situation and begged for his brother to bring him some clothes ASAP. Just as the text sent, Jason heard the locker room door opening again.

He was about to snap at the jerks who stole his stuff when he realized it was just Coach Foreman, the gym teacher. "Care to tell me what you're still doing here, Todd-Wayne?" The man asked firmly. "Someone took my stuff while I was in the shower, sir." Jason explained.

Coach Foreman was about to ask a follow-up question when he noticed the fresh scars and bruises across the boy's exposed chest. "What happened to you?" The coach asked, with genuine concern. They played some rough games in his class, but nothing that should have the boy this hurt.

"It's nothing." Jason said quickly, wishing he could pull his towel up higher. "Did someone do this to you?" Foreman persisted. Before Jason had to answer, Dick came in with his brother's replacement clothes. Jason gave Dick a look, pleading for his older brother to get them out of there.

"Mr. Grayson-Wayne do you know anything about why your brother is all beat up?" Coach Foreman asked, hoping Dick was still the honest boy that had been in his class years before.

Dick's eyes darted around nervously. "You know how it is, sir." He started. "Jason ticked off the wrong people." Foreman raised a brow, but Dick threw Jason his clothes. "Hurry up Jay. Dad's already outside, and you know how he gets when we're late."

The boys got out of there as fast as they could and promptly forgot about their little close call until the next day.


Damian wracked his brain for logical assumptions as to why he had been called to the headmaster's office so early in the school day.

He hadn't gotten in any fights lately. He'd been quite patient with his teacher and classmates for the past few weeks. He hadn't even provoked anyone. What could the headmaster possibly want with him?

Damian was just about stumped until he walked into the office waiting room and found his brothers already there. "I should have known you three would be involved." Damian grumbled as he took a seat. "Hey, I never do anything." Tim reminded. "Jase, what did you do, and how are we involved?" Dick asked warningly.

"Why do you always assume that I did something?" Jason asked incredulously. Before his brothers could begin listing the numerous times he'd done something stupid and dragged them down with him, the headmaster beckoned them into his office.

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