Batman vs Superman

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When you spend almost every night of the year dressed as a superhero, you would expect Halloween to be such a big deal. But for whatever reason, the Wayne children loved the pseudo-holiday. They had all spent weeks picking out and perfecting their costumes and were all excited to show them off.

"Of all the costumes in the world, this is what you pick?" Bruce sighed, rolling his eyes at Dick's Superman suit. "Aw, don't be jealous Bruce. I still love you." Dick grinned. "I'm not jealous." The man insisted. "I just thought I raised you with better taste."

"My costume is good, Baba?" Cass asked hopefully, twirling to show off her Cleopatra costume. "Your's is perfect, sweetheart." Bruce smiled, and his daughter beamed.

"We're gonna be late." Tim moaned, fiddling anxiously with the visor of his astronaut helmet. "Jason! Damian! We don't have all day!" Bruce yelled.

"Ready when you are Bats." An eerie voice croaked from the top of the stairs. Cass and Tim screamed at the sight of The Clown Prince in their home. Bruce immediately went into Batman mode, shoving his children behind him and telling them to run.

But before anyone could move, the white-faced man at the top of the stairs began to laugh a familiar but decidedly less terrifying laugh. "Jason Peter Todd-Wayne, did you really think that was appropriate?" Bruce scolded as his second-oldest joined them in the foyer.

"Aw come on if I can laugh about it...." Jason stared but stopped when he realized no one was unclenching their jaws. "Why on earth would you want to dress up as... him?" Tim growled, still keeping his distance from this rendition of the green-haired freak. "So we can do this." Jason stuck two fingers in his mouth at let out a shrill whistle.

Seconds later, Damian came sliding down the banister, firing shots from his paintball pistols. The first two hit the faux Joker square in the chest, and he feigned agony before collapsing to the floor and playing dead. Bruce shook his head as his two devious children laughed. What was he going to do with them?

"Damian, give those to me." He ordered snatching the toy guns from his youngest son before he even had a chance to protest. While Damian complained that the loss of his pistols lessened the authenticity of his cowboy costume Bruce turned on Jason.

"You have five minutes to change and get back down here before I ground you for that stunt." Jason gave a cheeky salute before running back to his room to get dressed for real this time.


There was another reason the Wayne children loved Halloween. Gotham Prep and Gotham Academy had the tradition of the Halloween carnival. Classes were canceled, and the school grounds were converted to a land of fun and games for the day. And as was their tradition, the Bat kids spent the day together.

"I'm telling you this carnaval gets lamer every year." Jason grimaced, pulling at the eye patch of his half-assed pirate costume. "I hate to admit it, but I agree with Todd." Damian huffed. "What is the point of games with no prizes?"

"Ya know, some things are just for fun." Tim smirked, to which his younger brother rolled his eyes. "At least you win glory and bragging rights with the costume contest." Stephanie consoled as their group joined the line of students signing up.

"Dressing as Superman in Gotham? Have you no shame?" A haughty voice chided from behind them. Dick's face fell for a split second before he managed to put on a weak fake smile.

"Hey Rodney. Nice costume." He complimented and genuinely meant it. Rodney Mitchell's Batman costume looked impressively realistic to the point that the Waynes might have thought he'd stolen it from The Batcave.

Batbros Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें